
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

In case you were wondering...

I hope y'all had a wonder Holiday Season. Mine was great, got to spend lots of time with my kiddos! They're not kids anymore, so getting time with them is more precious now.  I miss them being little, but I enjoy them being grown and they make us proud parents everyday.

My 2017 ended with horrible news for me. I'm having some health issues related to my damaged nerve in my arm. Its quite complicated and stressful. I'm having to have another surgery.

In any case, I've been on the fence of continuing to make cut files. If you could see all the complaints via comments that i have to delete and hate email I get or the mail i get to fix other peoples files that i respectfully decline and people get pissed. I have come so anxious to even check my email, that somedays, I have my daughter check for any hate mail before I proceed. I just dredd opening my computer some days to the point i don't. While, I love creating because its great therapy for me.  I haven't had much time to create, as much as, I usually do because I'm trying to get all my files for sale updated to get them all "ungrouped" and to include SCAL, Silhouette and PNG for import/tracing (not printing), along with searching for a surgeon.  I will get to the Free files after all my Etsy shop ones are updated first. Sorry, I won't be able to update any of the free Football files before the Superbowl. I have some card sketches and layout sketches with free files to upload. My internet has been getting slower by the day since Sept., i pay for high speed and i feel like I'm on dial up!  I don't know what I will have or if I will continue after that. Be on the lookout for those.

I'm taking a few months and focusing on me, getting this surgery and fighting for the disability that i paid into for yrs and have been denied 5 times. My Etsy shop will remain open with limited files, as they expire many I may not renew. If there is ever a file you wish to purchase and its not listed simply send me a conversation. I'll still be taking on custom file jobs, they will probably take me a lil longer than usual to finish. 

Until then, if I can make it thru this shit storm, please be patient.  Thank you for all those who have supported over the years. I will update as I can.

Until Next Time...
Appreciate every moment you can.
TTFN The Scrapoholic