
Monday, March 1, 2010

I've missed you,did you miss me?

I've almost done with cleaning, organizing and purging! Boy, i think i might be a Scrapbook Hoarder! Do you think they 'd do a reality show on our obsession! I think it would be quite entertaining and to see our craziness isn't so crazy ;)  I know i'm not alone!  I plan on starting to post alot more! i've got some great things in mind coming up to post about!  I have been inspired by so many of the things i've found!  I need to find a nice pic of each of my kids and one of us as a family that one is a challenge, since i'm always behind the camera and hubby dislikes his picture being taken! Then i need to pick a quote for my wall and cut that out of some vinyl.

Oh and while i was away Candace over at  scrap~a~doodle~dee! honored me with a blog award.  So , I'm very honored! and its the first one! I'm at a total loss of how all these things work. I'm computer literate just enough to get myself in trouble! I can't figure out how to get those fancy buttoons on the side like to link my facebook page or any of the ads i'd like to get on there?  Anyways, I'm suppose to share 7 things about myself
So here are 7 things you may or may not know about me

1. my husband and kids are my world
2. i have 2 awesome sisters who've made my life better just by being thier sister
3. i want to move back to Oregon
4. I'm vertically challenged
5. My favorite band is U2
6. Papercrafting is my obsession
7.  this is my favorite #(7)

? i maybe doing this all wrong?  Now I am suppose to share this Here they are!

Jenn Silly scrappin blog
 dianes dreams and designs
 susan de crafter
Victoria Scraps
melissas paperie
06vette scrapper

Now there are strings attached with receiving this blog award. You have to say thanks to the person who sent it to you, list 7 things about yourself and pass it on to some of your friends/followers.