
Monday, April 26, 2010

CFS Cards!

I have been part of a group on the Cricut MB for 3 yrs now! Can't believe its been that long! We send cards to soldiers overseas for them to be able to send home to family and friends.  It gives me great joy to do this for them and their families.  I use to be a shipper but due to my unfortunate circumstances I financially was having a difficult time. But i can never give up making these cards!  Anyways, a gal that is a SU! Demo (her site) sent me some punched out Birds and branches(2 Step Bird Punch 117191) to see what i could come up with for the Fathers day theme or masculine cards for inspiration.  So this is what I came up with

If intrested in signing up to join our group (doesn't require a cricut) you can either email me or Sign up Here