
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Tough Day

Today, is a very difficult day for me because my life was forever changed in a way I never imagined. two years ago.   I’ve lost more than just the full use of my right arm, I’ve lost a bit of myself.  I never thought at this age I’d be asking my kids to tie my shoes or zip my coat that was suppose to be when I was an old lady. It’s never been easy for me to ask for help and everyday I am forced to ask help for mediocre things. I had my dream job for a mere few months before getting injured and life was going great. I’ve had a lot of struggles these past 2 years.   While the old saying time heals all wounds, is nice in theory but time doesn’t heal ALL wounds; time just makes it more tolerable. I’m trying so hard to help myself, but I can never go to work like I always had because of my arm, the pain, the fear, anxiety and medicine.  I’ve pitied, empathized, sulked and just out right felt sorry for myself long enough. I’m not looking for you to pity or feel sorry for me either, I know its probably coming across as a “Poor Me”, but I’m not.  I’ve been working really really hard these past few months to get something going. I am an Artist always have been and always will be. While I never will be able to pick up a pencil and doodle or draw or pick up a paint brush on a whim and paint ever again.  I CAN and I WILL always do some crafting!  Its not to my caliber of artistic ability I had 2 years ago but I’m getting better.  I’ve started a Blog, Became a CTMH Conultant (Scrapbooking’s Amway) Etsy Store, Facebook Fan Page and even a Twitter!  I’m asking for your help.
How do you hear about the next Starbuck’s or Target or any new store opening?  Usually, from friends and family, basically through word of mouth.  Well, that’s all I’m asking for is word of mouth.  Tell friends and Family about my sites. Its not all Scrapbooking and Stamping, though my Blog and Facebook Fan Page is and CTMH website too, but My Etsy Store is full of gifts, greeting cards and more! I’m trying to make today a more pleasant memorable day, while I will never forget April 21, 2008 because of the physical reminder everyday I can associate it with April 21, 2010 which was a much better day (at least I’m hopeful). 

These are my links:
Etsy Store (incase your not familiar, its similar to EBay but for crafters only)

Facebook Fan Page

My CTMH Website

My Twitter (which I still don’t tweet well and basically only tweet my blog posts)

I want to say thanks in advance for being supportive and if there is something I can pay it forward for you just let me know.