
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Chirp!

OMG! I can't believe it! I'm mentioned in The Chirp! for my cricut Robotz Tutorial!  I didn't get this  Chirp either! What's up with that?!  I'm so excited! :)  I still can't believe it!  I guess hard work does pay-off huh?!
Of course when I told my husband he's like what? What is the Chirp? Does it have to do with that thing over there you always have making a noise and paper all over my house? silly boy!  I told him it was! and had to do with the invasion of my new little friends, that would replace him if they knew how to cook! (hehee, he really isn't replacable! he is a Keeper!, but shh! thats our secret we don't need to let him know)

You can read the Chirp here

Heres a screen shot! Hope this isn't in violation of any copyrights! If it is I'll remove it!

Do you see my "name" right there at the bottom :)  "TheScrapoholic"  THATS ME! :)