
Friday, May 28, 2010

Random Act of Kindness out of spite of meaness

So i was slapped in the face and my feelings were hurt. Now i'm mad as all can be. But someone wise once said don't let other get you down. Its hard to overcome having your feelings hurt when all you were trying to do was share your creativity.  The Cricut Message Board that I've been an active member of since 2007 deleted my thread of my Mouse-o-bilia thread. They had no decency to even tell me why. Just deleted it. No hey could you please fix this or will need to delete the thread. No, just deleted it with no respect. I am pretty sure why but no longer will you find any of my inspiration or projects on there. I will no endorse a company who doesn't have the respect for its customers.While I LOVE my cricut and i will continue to use it and yes even buy selected cartridges. I've removed all my works from their message board except for those for CFS because i don't want the military to pay for whatever it is people don't like about me or my projects. You can keep knocking me down, reporting me as abusive, complain to whoever will listen and have my threads deleted my links blocked. Whatever! I will still win in the end and be left standing because that is who I am!

I told my husband and i can't repeat what his first comments were. But he said let it roll babe and do something that will make you happy.  So what makes me happy is scrapbooking and sharing my work.

So post what your favorite project that I've posted is and maybe a reason why. You'll be entered into a drawing to win a Floral Swirl Mesh in a color of your choice.

I will do a drawing for my Blog followers and another drawing for my Facebook followers beacuase they are mostly 2 different groups.

since Facebook supposedly doesn't allow contests or giveaways and in fear of being deleted there. FB fans you know how it works. :)