
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just when i started to think i smelled ....

:) I woke up and did my facebook thing and then off to do my blog thing! Wow! i was feeling kinda down lately with just general things you know those slumps we go thru in life on that rollercoaster ride! Thinking maybe i smell and evryone's staying away or maybe i opened my big mouth and said something i shouldn't have and offended someone or everyone?  Anyways, I was featured on Paper Craftorium blog and it made my heart smile!  Isn't it amazing how you feel when somone reconizes you! I'll be on cloud 9 all day! Thanks!!

So in honor of being reconized, I want to share that Joy too with those that inspire me! Here are 5 of my favorite blogs i go to on a regular basis, though i go to so many more. I've added a place below to add your blog too!  Pay it Forward Blog Feature! Wanna play along? Do the same on your blog too! Though i recommend calling it Pay it forward Blog Feature and not "I think i smell" :) i mean unless you do?! :p

Lat Creator Blog

Susan de Crafter Blog

Paper Crafts by Candace

Luv my gypsy blog

Anelene Blog