
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday is Friends Day!

The MamaZone button

Come join the Hopping! :) I love Blog hopping! I don't know about you but i probably could do it all day long!

the rules:

  • Add your blog name and a short description. For example, "The MamaZone: great for mamas!" Feel free to link directly to your blog, to a post specifically for Wednesday or to your favorite post.
  • FOLLOW THE PERSON WHO LINKED BEFORE YOU and as many other blogs as you'd like to have follow back. This is what makes FriendsDay work, so if you're not willing to follow, please don't link up.
  • Remember to leave a comment on the blogs you follow to let them know you found them here at The MamaZone, and If someone follows you, be sure to follow back. If you follow me and leave a comment, I'll definitely follow you too!
  • Take the WednesDay is FriendsDay button and if you want to put the blog hop on your blog, click the "get the code here" link under the blog listings by clicking on the picture above to take you to the mama zone's original post (this is optional). Feel free to cut and paste my instructions.
  • Tweet, blog and yell at your friends about this so it can grow more and more each week.