
Monday, August 23, 2010

Blog Award!

I can't believe it! Jenny at Crazy About Cricut honored ME?!.. I know can you believe it ME!!! by giving me a blog award! I was so ELATED that she thought of me and liked my blog enough to give me this award :)

So here are the requirements in accepting this award:

I'm supposed to tell you 3 things I Love about myself!...mmmm... kinda hard for me but here goes nothing
  1. I love my feet. I know feet! but they really are cute
  2. My creativity that I have and am able to share
  3. Being a MOm! i never wanted kids, really, its true when I was little no way was I going to be a Mom! I wouldn't trade it for the world now. Love my 3 lil mini me monsters :)

My favorite picture: hard to choose just one but do love this one

Here are the 5 blogs I'm passing this award onto. They are all AWSOME, and have given me some great inspiration!

  1. Candace at Paper Crafts by Candace
  2. Madison at Funky Cards
  3. Ane at MIn Hobbyverden
  4. Bryan at  Scrap Guy
  5. Crystal at Crafting for Caitlyn

The rules in accepting this award are:

1. you must thank the person who passed it on to you:

2. copy award to your blog.
3. list three (3) things you love about yourself,
4. post a picture that you love on your blog,
5. pass award on to five (5) others