
Monday, August 9, 2010

Sundays Daily Challenge a day late!

Oh my Gosh! I am so sorry I forgot to get to the blogging world yesterday! I wasn't on the computer much yesterday and totally forgot to post the challenge for yesterday on here! I kept thinking about doing it and every time i got on the computer I got sidetracked. Shame on me.

As with any Sunday its CTMH (Close To My Heart) product. Use 80% ish CTMH products.  You can use other products but most of the "creation" needs to be CTMH. Something new wether it be a layout, card or project!

Heres the yummy Blog Candy you can win:

You need to play in order to be able to win so enter Your Creation Here

And Don't forget the $2 $4 $6 $8 who do we appreciate (YOU) sale still going on HERE  Supplies are only while they last so better HURRY