
Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday's Daily Challenge Aug12th!

Again, Sorry for posting a day late! Blogger didn't want to let me sign in! I didn't exist or my Blog was not found? What?! UGH! Very frustrating! I've been having glitches with blogger lately mostly when trying to follow someone elses blog.  It won't let me and i have to either refresh the page, exit and go back or sometimes save it in my favorites and try again the next day.  Anyone else having this issue?

Anyways, Thursdays Daily Challenge is Color Combo! I chose CTMH Colors "Sunny Yellow", "TUlip" and "Star Spangled Blue"   They don't have to be the exact shade of colors but as close as you can get and create something new a card, layout or project!  Have fun! 

Be sure to add your creation to MCklinky HERE in order to be eligible to win my "cheesy" prize :)