
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Waterfall Card Tutorial

These are fun cards to make! Simple, easy and FUN!  CAn do them for any occassion! I chose to do Halloween on the tutorial because Halloween is coming up fast!

Waterfall Card Instructions
Things You'll Need:
  • 5 ¼" x 8"  card stock
  • Bone folder
  • Scoring tool
  • 9 "x 2" coordinating card stock
  • 4 squares 1 ¾" x 1 ¾ "of white card stock
  • 3 ¾" x 5" coordinating card stock
  • 4 stamps that are no bigger than 1 ¾" x 1 ¾ "square
  • Stamp pad
  • Color utensils
  • 4 squares 2" of coordinating card stock
  • Double-sided tape
  • 1"  x 3 ½" coordinating card stock
  • 2 brads in a coordinating color
  • 4" ribbon
  • Stapler

Step 1    Fold the 5 ¼ " x 8" card stock in half to create a 5 ¼ " x  4" card. Crease the fold with a bone folder to make it crisp.

Step 2
Score the 9" x 2" strip of cardstock at  2", 2 ¾ ", 3 ½ " and 4 ¼ " from one of the ends of the strip. Fold the card stock back and forth at each of these score lines. Leave the card stock folded at the 4 ¼ " score line.

Step 3
 Stamp your images on the 1 ¾ " x 1 ¾ " squaresof card stock. Color in the stamped images with you choice of coloring utensils.

Step 4
Attach each stamped square of cardstock, with double-sided tape, to one of the 2" x 2" squares of card stock centered to create a sort of frame around the stamped card stock.

Step 5
Use double-sided tape to attach the bottom stamped image of your waterfall to the 2" x  2" section of the 9" x  2" strip created by the first score line.Attach the next image to the strip with double-sided tape just along the top edge of the square. Place that image just below the score line. Continue attaching the last two images the same way as the second image.

Step 6
Attach the 1" x  3 ½ " strip of card stock to the 3 ¾ " x 5 "card stock 1" from the bottom with a brad at each end of the strip.

Step 7 
Attach the 3 ¾ " x  5"  piece of card stock to the front of the card,centered, with double-sided tape. The end of the card stock with the strip attached should go at the bottom end of the card.

Step 8
Slide the unfolded half of the 9" x  2"  strip of card stock that has the stamped images attached through the strip of card stock attached to the front of the card with the brads. Use double-sided tape to attach the bottom edge of the strip with the stamped images to the strip attached to the front of the card.The bottom edge of the stamped images strip should line up with the bottom edge of the strip attached to the front of the card.

Step 9
Fold a 4"  length of ribbon in half and staple it to the bottom of the part of the 9" x 2" strip that is threaded through the horizontal strip on the front of the card. This functions as a pull to cue the recipient of the card to pull the strip down.

Would Love to see yours! Post it here!