
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Big Ten Blog Hop and more

Hello My Scrapoholics! How is everyone? I've been frustrated at trying to get my Halloween Character Exploding boxes together! Working on Gathering more Blogs to join the Blog Hop! Remember Everyone with a Blog is invited to the Blog Hop, If you don't have a Blog your invited to hop to the blogs and check out all the cool stuff that will be featured! I will be featuring my top ten favorites! And a New Project as one of my top Ten Favorites! So, if we can spread the word of the Hop and get more involved the more fun it will be! I did add the "badge" for the hop off to the right for anyone who'd like to grab it and add it to thier Blog! Everyone seemed to like the badge that had emailed me, a few mentioned keeping the background white so I do like it with the white background seems to "pop" more.

Anyways, other things is I'm working on a custom album for the Facebook "refer a Friend" contest winner. I can't share any until I am done and they have it in hand because I want them to see it first and in person. We all know how different things look in person vs. pictures. I have been tweaking my MTC files for the Character Exploding boxes, that is part of my frustration. Cut it out and its just that smidgen off. I've put a ton of time and effort into these and I am happy how they have turned out. I can say I do understand why some charge money for their files.  I normally share mine for free mostly because they don't take me but a day. These have consumed alot of my time and been alot of work to get them just right. I did these from scratch. I'll be keeping it a fair and affordable price, but I do feel my time is worth a few pennies an hr. Most of the files I share in the future will continue to be free except for those that are like this that have consumed alot of work and my time. I still need to put a few touches and add some notes and try to get them them converted to SVG files too for those that have SCAL and not MTC.