
Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!

Can You believe its already Oct? I can't! Nevermind the fact that this week has flown by probably cause i slept most of it away or tried to. Didn't get much done a few cards here and there when I could handle it. After seeing the Dr. yesterday and being told I have a sprained wrist and shoulder and to add injury on top of already injury he was very sympathetic and said I was Unique! awww! how special but I know really its just because of my situation, maybe they'll write about me in the meical journal of perplexity! So, his prescription was more pain meds (oh joy, NOT!) i know most people are like WHAT? give me some! I'd sell them and probably become quite rich! BUt NO! i have to take them against my will so i can function. I hate takin medicine just FYI! 9.9 times out of 10 I won't take medicine. Anyways, I'm babbling away, so i'll blame the meds and lack of sleep!

Its October and your thinking Halloween! Well, think different! Get into the Winter Spirit! Think Snow! Maybe it will help cool off So. CAl from this heat wave! 

CTMH (Close To My Heart) SOTM (stamp Of The Month) is:

Sharing the Magic!  You know the Deal for the SOTM right? Check it out HERE
We have to Think ahead Christmas is around the Corner!

Running out of Time? Don't have much time to Scrapbook all those beautiful pictures?  
Check out Studio J
You can get some Pictures Scrapped simply, easily and so affordable! Different Packages available for your budget and needs! Digital Pages in between those Special Pages makes life easier and still just as beautiful and creative!

Still thinking Halloween! Remember just a few short weeks ago I introduced Hooligans WOTG? Purchase it today HERE and then get the SOTM for $17.21 add on a few extra items such as the Pear Mini Melody,  HOOLIGANS MY STICKEASE ASSORTMENTand HOOLIGANS LEVEL 2 ASSORTMENT for $4.95 each! Then Bling it out by adding OPAQUES LICORICE ADHESIVE GEMS and SPARKLES BLUE & GREEN ASSORTMENT for $2.95 each Then you can get the SOTM for 50% off @$11.48 ONLY! All Available HERE and HERE

Lots of FUN stuff Planned for the Month!