
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are you ready for some...

...New, Fun and Exciting things to happen around here?

Things have been CRAZY here. While it seems as though its been quite, behind the scenes there's been lots of work going on!  I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! My crazy ideas are getting all worked out into actual productivity!(I can't believe it either)  Including having 2 people who will be designing NEW fun Digital Stamps, which will be introduce shortly as JJ's Digi Designz. I'll be having alot of NEW MTC (or SVG files), Lots of "CTMH Kits" will be available too,.I will be dipping my toes lightly (and maybe eventually jumping far) in to Digital layouts using CTMH Studio J, (I mean I have the package mine as well get the use out of it). You can find out more about it HERE too, its FREE to Try too, just create a simple account and your off trying something New and Techy w/out be a Tech Geek!! (I swear, its that easy you should really just give it a try it, it won't cost you a cent to play) Anyways, back to the subject at hand,  I'm going to be having a whole Month of introducing you to CTMH products starting Feb.1st! Watch for my Facebook Event! I've been a consultant over a year coming up on 2,( in case you didn't know.) I will be having lots of opportunities for you to purchase some items and maybe even win a few things including some MTC (or svg) Files, some Digi Stamps and etc. So definately stay tuned! Lots more new Sketches will be posted and a New "Spotlight Sunday" which will feature a fellow Crafter.

By March I'm hoping to be more consitant in posting and have certain days be "feature days" to help me be more organiznied ( i know its a funny thing to hear and sorry, if you laughed so hard you fell right out of your chair, hope you didn't hurt yourself).  Plus, i'm hoping it will be more fun and interactive for you, which is why I have my blog to share my creations with you to begin with. I mean y'all could come over and see it in person, but not really sure a real "live" show n' tell with y'all at the same time, everyday, how my hubby and kids would take it? Anyways, back to the subject at hand,  In order to bring you my fun and exciting creations, and be inspired, I'm jumping right out there and going to do something I've never done before(see I'll still have some spontaneity in my life). But you know how much i LOVE seeing what everyone else does with my files and sketches and stuff so...

...Yes,I AM! This is my first time doing this at this level. I'm nervous and excited. Aren't you? Wouldn't it be cruel if I didn't tell you and left you wondering WHAT.
What are you going to do Jill?
What is so out there that you've never done before?
I've fallen in a manhole once so its not that
I've been to the top of the Space Needle so not that
I've flown across the country both ways so yeah not that either
I've tried growing a watermelon in my belly
I've driven w/out a license :O
I've even made prank calls
I've been to both Mexico and Canada
I've been on TV and even in a Movie
I've been published in a Magazine
So what could it be?

I am currently taking applications for a Creative Design Teams
yes you read that correctly!
Aren't you excited!?

The Length of this DT will be 4 months From March - June
The Design Teams are geared to help promote all of my endevours. Including MTC (svg) files, Digital Stamps, CTMH, and Sketch Challenges.

If you are passionate about crafting,  create beautiful cards, layouts or love to color images, make projects. Don't be shy. You don't have to be great at of these things, but you need to be really great at the one you feel is your best (it won't hurt you if you're great at all, just not necessary). I am looking for a variety of team members with a different variety of skills, that can produce quality cards, layouts, altered art and home decor projects that show off papers, stamps, files, and  embellishments.  Be sure to show what you do best!

This call is open to International and Domestic applicants*
I Live in the Beautiful USA 
(just so its clear)

So here’s what I am looking for in a design team member:
  • People who are creative and crafty (who would have thunk that?)
  • People who have a great sense of design.
  • Good photography skills, on taking pictures of your projects
  • People who maintain an active blog or an active Facebook fanpage (one w/no friend requests just able to "like The page") If you are just starting one, just let me know
  • Ability to create tutorials with video and/or written instructions and/or Recipe for project at hand
  • People who LOVE to share their creativity with others
  • People who are dedicated and committed ( not like straight jacket but we accept those too)
  • Easy to get along with, generally happy and fun to be around. 
 Here are the Design team Opportunities

6 - 8 People for For MTC or (svg) File Design Team
        Requirements for this position is to have an electronic die cutter (ie The Cricut) with either Make The   
        Cut! or SCAL or ability to use svg files. Use my provided Files for a "project" every 2 weeks.
        Posts will be on Mondays

 4 - 6 People for JJ's Digi Designz.Design Team
        Requirements for this position is to have a printer and paper to print the Digi Stamps I provide for
        you.  Use those stamps for a "project" every 2-3 weeks.
        Post will be on Tuesdays

3 - 5  People for  CTMH Sudio J Design Team 
        You will need to create an account on my Website HERE , create layouts and purchase at least 4
         layouts using Studio J; (Find out more about it HERE) which is a digital Free software w/no downloads
        and easy to use. With at least 4 or more layouts purchased you will receive a "Thank You Gift" from
        Me as an incentive for purchasing.
         You can NOT be a CTMH consultant for this position, sorry hope you understand.
        Also, I believe this  is only available to US and Canadian Residents. I will double check on this but I do
        believe they don't  ship anywhere else. So unfortunately, if this is true You can only be a US or Canadian
       Citizen, my appologies.
        Posts will be on Tuesdays

8 - 10 People for CTMH  Design Team
         CTMH paper and products are unique in nature.Their stamps are the Clear Acrylic style. Their papers
          are designed with the unique 60 color pallete. I will have 2 "featured" Paper Packs each Month.
          You are required to *Purchase either a Level 1 or  Level 2 Paper Pack of The Month for each  month
           thru the course of your DT commitment You can purchase one, both or half of each
          Orders will need to be ordered directly thru me in order to receive Your "Earned" Free* Product at
          the end of your commitment. The more you order the more possibilities of "earning" more free*
          products. You will need to make a "project" using the Paper Pack at least once a month. I need an
          equal amount of Card makers and Layout Lovers. A few Alterable item makers too.
           You can NOT be a CTMH consultant for this position, unless on my CTMH Team,(you can Sign up
           as a consultant under me HERE) sorry no exceptions, hope you understand.
           Posts will be on Wednesdays

8 - 10  People for Sketchy Saturday Challenges
        Be Able to work from a variety of Sketches. Some will be B&W, Full Color, Some will have
         measurements and others won't.  You will need to creat a "card" or "layout" from the Sketch I post
         each week ( Altering Each week will be a Card Sketch and a Layout Sketch) at least every 2 weeks.
         Need Spots for both cardmakers, and layout lovers.
         Posts will be on ummm gee i think Saturday! ;)
As a Designer for  TheScrapoholic, you will be required to have and/or do:
  • An active crafty blog or an active Facebook Fanpage (A fanpage doesn't require "friend request", just a  "like" button on the page) again if you are just starting one let me know
  • an email account that you use regularly for me to be able to email notifications, assignments, inquiries, etc.
  • Committing to creating the "project" for which ever DT you get on, upload a picture of the full project to a specific Photobucket account (info will be emailed to you for that) and post it on your blog (and/or Facebook fanpage), on the date assignment is due, as required by the requirements listed above, include a link back to The Scrapoholic's blog (and or Facebook fan page) with either at "tutorial" or "recipe" of some sort for others to know "how" you did your project
  •  Be willing to give me permission to "share" your Projects (with your credits and links given about your "project") onto my Facebook Page (you do NOT have to have a Facebook account)
  • Place The Scrapoholic logo and/or JJ's Digi Designz (soon to come),  in the sidebar of your blog
Please keep in mind that if chosen as a Designer for the Scrapoholic Design Team, you agree that your conduct will be honest, and that all your designs will be of your own workmanship. You also agree to not distribute, duplicate or copy in any manner or form any of The Scrapoholic's or JJ's Digi Designz images under any circumstances, to any other person/s, party or entities, for any reason, other than for the purpose of designing your personal designs, as well as designs intended for the Scrapoholic. I, Jill, The Scrapoholic reserve the right to dismiss any designer of the DT for any such breaches without further notice. But most importantly, remember to have fun!

What do you get our of being a Scrapoholic Design Team Member:

  • Your name and link to your blog will be published on my Blog and Facebook Fanpage.
  • Your name, bio and headshot featured on the Scrapoholic's SpotLight Sunday
  • Prominent exposure on the Scrapoholic's blog, The Scrapoholic FanPage, Twitter and from other Design team's Blogs too
  • Each new digi stamp for each new month for the course of of your DT commitment
  • Each NEW MTC (or svg) Full File that is "featured" for the course of your DT commitment

So How do you apply for the Design Team Call:
What to do if you'd like to be considered for the DESIGN TEAM post your best projects to your blog. Before deadline email me  The Scrapoholic's Email and don't forget to put  Design Team as the Subject
What do you email me, you ask, just copy and paste into the email click the link above to get email (if it doesn't work: The Scrapoholic @ gmail .com  BE SURE TO REMOVE SPACES!!

  • Your Name, along with any alias' (you know that name you use to hide from non crafters) 
  • Your Email and links to your Blog, galleries, facebook Fan pages (if you have one)
  • Design Teams you currently design for or any you have in the past (non required)
  • Which DT are you applying for?  (MTC, JJ's Digi stamps, Studio J, CTMH, or Sketchy) you can apply  for all, but doesn't mean you will be chosen for all or the one thats necessarily the one you want the most so  please put in "priority" of which one you'd like the most first and then decend down
  • What are you? Card maker, Layout Lover, Altered personality (lol meaning altered or 3-d projects),  you can be a split personality (meaning you love to do 2 or 3 or even something not listed)
  • Do you consider yourself a Beginner, Novice, Advanced, Expert, Professional?
  • What "style" do you consider yourself? Cutesy, Formal, Funky, Grunge/Punk, Simple, Clean and straight, Elegant, Not sure, Something else (explain best you can)
  • Tell a little bit about yourself and what your design strengths are
  • Tell  why you want to be on the Scrapoholic's design team
  • Are you intrested in being a "guest Host" for something you really just love to share about that you consider  yourself a "guru" on? A Tutorial video or written.
  • That you understand all the terms given at this point to that are required of you as a DT member
  •     Yes or No
  • Links to at least 3 but no more than 5 of your best or favorite projects that you think best show you as a   designer/crafter.

The Call will closed on Feb.12th 
Any other entries placed after this time will not be counted.

I will sort through each and ever entry (with some help of my daughters and sister maybe my husband or son but we'll have to think about those two) and begin narrowing things down quickly.

Things to keep in mind: There will be many, many designers try out. Unfortunately there will only be a handful that are picked due to limited space. This is going to be such a hard thing!
I Know it can be disappointing and even devastating not to be picked from my own personal experience, but by no means does that mean you weren't worthy or your work wasn't good enough. Keep trying out for more Design teams and If this one is as successful as I know it will be I'll be having more Design team Calls. Plus You can still be a participant in the challenges we have! I really want this to be a fun and happy experience whether one makes the team or not!
 You are free to use any of my Digi designs from the The Scrapoholic' JJ's Digi Designz.. You are also free to use any of CTMH  products. MTC (or svg) file or any of my sketches that are now available. None of which is required, (but maybe get you some bonus points j/k)

The NEW Scrapoholic's Design Team  will be announced on  Feb. 20th!

What are you waiting for?
Get out those papers and dust them off, get your trimmers and scissors sharpened, grab some adhesive and get busy! 
Don't have a blog yet, make one its super easy!