
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spotlight Sunday! ~ SpantastiKreations

 Welcome to the first Spotlight Sunday at The Scrapoholic!
 Every Sunday I'll be Spotlighting some very talented crafters. The crafting world is a large place and we all have different talents and specialties. I love finding new blogs, fanpages and websites to go to.I have several ladies that will be spotlighted over the next few weeks and am very excited in sharing their Interviews and them sharing their crafting world a lil about themselves too! If you want to know more about me "The Scrapoholic", you can scroll down on my sidebar to find the "about Me". I will be updating mine with the same "interview questionaire" Without any further ado I'd like to introduce you to:

What is your Real Name? Erin Span

What are you Known as in "forums"/"blogs"? 
Erin Spantastik or SpantastiKreations

Short Bio ~  
I am 35yr old and have been married for almost 15 yrs. I have 2 children. My daughter is almost 6 and my son is almost 5. I am a Stay At Home Mom and I was born and bred in Buffalo, NY. I took a short, 3yr "vacation" from WNY to live in glorious MI where I attended Midwestern Baptist College.
Things I LOVE: Camping at Allegany State Park.
                          The color blue.
                          Going out to eat. I <3 Crab legs, Shrimp and Lobster.

What is your favorite Craft?
Cards but I'm really enjoying getting back into layouts.

How Did Discover Scrapbooking (or Craft?)
A friend of mine began scrappin about 2yrs before me and I became interested in what she was doing and I decided to give it a try. I got some paper and stickers and the rest is history.

How did you learn to do Scrapbooking (or Craft?)  
Just by seeing other people's work and looking at books and magazines.

How Long have you been Scrapbooking (or Crafting?)  
Almost 4 yrs.

What "style" would you describe your Personal crafting?  
Simple, clean and symmetrical

Do you do any Digital Scrapbooking or other digital media art?  
No I haven't

What are your 3 favorite projects and why?  
It's hard to just pick 3.

What are some of the drawback to the craft you find?  
$$ I need everything I see. LOL

What are some of the enjoyments to the craft you find?  
It's relaxing to me and it's an escape from the "real world"

Do you use sketches? Sometimes.

Where do you find Inspiration?  
Blogs especially Blog Hops

Do you belong on any "Design teams" now or in the past?  
I am currently on the dt for Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog and another one coming up but I'm keeping that on the down low for now. :)

When you loose your "mojo" how do you get it back?  
I search sketches online and/or watch videos.

Can you briefly describe how your process of creating begins? Such as with color, theme, etc choice? Honestly I don't have a "process". I've constantly got ideas running thru my head and I even dream about projects.

What are your top 3 favorite tools?  
My ATG, My Cricut & My Fiskars Cutter

What are your Top 3 favorite embellishments?  
Stickles, Buttons & Ribbon

What advice would you give to a newbie just starting in this crafting?  
Get the basic of tools & paper. 1) An ATG, 2) 12x12 cardstocks in coordinating prints and solids, 3) A 12" (minimum) paper cutter.

Any organizational tips you'd like to share?, I could use a few pointers myself. LOL

Any Tips on Scrapbooking (or crafting) that you'd like to share?  
Be adventurous. Step outside your comfort zone/style and experiment with new techniques.

Any Budget Cost cutting tips?
I've begun looking at "garbage" as a potential scrap supply. I use cereal boxes as "chipboard" and I've even saved the shiny back of make-up packaging to use in my projects.

What made you decide to start a Blog, website, Facebook Fan page, etc?  
I was encouraged by my friend Ann (Yours TruLee) to start a blog. I started following blogs and she told me it would be easier to follow and enter challenges. She also convinced me that my projects were worth showing off.

What are the web addresses to all your places?

Do you sell any of your crafting projects? 
I have only sold one set of Christmas cards. I'd LOVE to get into craft fairs.

If so, where can one purchase them? (websites email, etc.)  

Anything you want to share that wasn't covered?
Not that I can think of. I <3 my craft and I <3 to share and I <3 seeing other crafters creations.