
Saturday, April 9, 2011

In Honor of My Dad Blog Hop

Welcome to In Honor of My Dad Hop!

If your Here for Sketchy Saturday, Scroll on down to the next Post below.
Hope you check out Th Honor My dad Blog Hop too!

Otherwise,You should have Hopped on over from Jessica's Blog, if you happen to stumble upon the hop Start at the Beginning at Jen's Blog 

My sperm donor is not a "dad" I'd consider one to honor, unless your in the mob, which I am not part of that lifestyle, nor do I want to be.  My parents were divorced when I was a mere year old and separated when I was 6 months old. It was very clear even til this day, i am that unwanted child for my Sperm donor. That's what I call him now a days. Sadly, no one knows where he is today or even whether he's alive or not. I did have a few good years when my oldest was born with my Real Dad but he went back to his ways again, if he ever stopped?  Anyways, growing up my friends' Dad was the closest thing I ever had to a "dad" he I always hold dear to my heart. He passed away when I was in the 7th grade :(   Then when I was all grown up my mom finally found an Angel! Someone who treated her like a Queen! He was so perfect for my mom and it was great to see my Mom smiling and truly happy.  Not only was he great for my mom he was the best Javic (grandfather in Polish) My kids call him Ja-Ja. He treated my kids like they were his real grandkids. He was just awesome!! Yes, he too died after surviving esophagus cancer, he died too young and too soon of a brain tumor.  
The project I did today is about both my "dads". I wrote a "poem" about my first "dad" the year he died. Which later in Senior Year in Poetry class influenced two poems I wrote, which oddly was written for the my First "dad" Mr. B. but also applies to my 2nd "dad" Curt.  They both were ill at a young age and taken from the Earth from their disease.  So I have finally put these into a project that will be framed and hung on my walls in "memory" of them.  It was a very hard project to do because of all the wonderful memories we have together and wishing they were still here to see so much more that I only pray they are watching from heaven with their smiles.


 In case you can't read the "Poems"
The First One which the other two were inspired by is

Wishing You a Happy Father’s Day

You are the father I will always remember. I had a father all my own though he was never around.  When I was a Child, nobody understood me when I was young; nobody even tried, except for “my dear father”. You took me under your wing as if I was yours. You showed me the path that led to happiness. You’ve helped me through many struggles. You always lent me a helping hand, and made me feel right at home. Though you were ill you were like a clown, a guy who always wore a smile upon his face.

I remember the day you left forever. Though you did not want to go, but it was your time. All I thought was I never told you, “thank You” and “I love You”. Now it was too late, I had no second chance. I too, never wished you a Happy Fathers Day.

On Father’s Day, I place a single red rose upon your grave. I stand blankly staring at slate of rock with engraved upon it is your name. I hear you playing your guitar, singing your country songs you use to sing to us on quiet summer evenings.

Remembering this, remembering the childhood, you made so great. My Childhood was never all that great, though you make it worth remembering.

Though you’ve been gone quite some time, your still alive in my memories and in my heart. Though, I am lost without you here by my side.
Happy Father’s Day Dad!

Dedicated to Mr. Bishop

The Other two were written my Senior Year for Poetry Class

This disease runs through his veins
I ask God, why did you pick him?
Pick on someone else, and him be.
Go away I pray, yet it still remains.

My anger burns inside like a flame
He’s just began his life can’t you see?
I thought life would be a cup of tea.
I was wrong, but we have no one to blame.

I don’t ever want to say good-bye
What will I do? Does anyone know?
The memories of him, I will save.

I never know what day he’ll die.
His time has come, he must now go.
I will always remember you and visit your grave.

Though sick, you were like a clown.
You taught me to laugh and to smile.
Thoughts of you turn my frown upside down.
Though sick, you were like a clown
Lucky I was, it was you I found.
You’ve been gone now for awhile
Though sick, you were like a clown
You taught me to laugh and to smile.

Thanks for Hopping By! Hope you enjoyed my project! remember to tell whoever it is you need to tell That "You Love them" Before its too late. If they taught me nothing else its that.

Before you go, you may enjoy the Rose MTC or SVG Rose File I made for my Tartan Day Blog Hop which alos, is a project about my 2nd Dad. I had a Rose cut for this project but didn't like how it went with it. So here are the Links if You have a 3rd party software for your cricut or a electronic cutter


You are Now off to Martha's Blog

Here's The whole Blog Hop List

Jen ~
Paula ~
Haidee ~
Tanya ~
Erin ~
Pam ~
Jessica ~
Karel ~
Liz ~
Shannon ~
Leslie ~
alina ~
faith ~
jessica ~
jill ~  <<< Your are HERE
martha ~
debbie ~
becky ~