
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spotlight Sunday!

What is your Real Name? Abigail Grimaldi

What are you Known as in "forums"/"blogs"? Scrapbookaholic By Abby or just Abby Grimaldi

Short Bio ~

I am 37 years old but do not feel that age AT ALL!!!!! LOL I have been happily married for 15 years and have 4 beautiful kids! Three boys (14, 12 and 9) and my little princess who turns 3 this month! I got my BA in Spanish Literature from Cal State University, Fullerton and my MA also from there. My MA is in Education with a concentration in Reading, I also have a Reading Specialist Credential. I love being in school! As a student and as a teacher! I started working in schools since I graduated high school as a college tutor. I became a high school Spanish teacher right after graduating and have left the field a couple of times to stay home with my kiddos. Teaching for me is the BEST! I love the interaction and connections we can build. I starting teaching in 2000 and 11 years after my students still remember me!! They call me, message me!! I just decided to pursue another MA, this time I will get it in Spanish! I am really excited about that! I lived in East LA up until I was 11. My dad started to get concerned about his kids being around the wrong crowd and decided to take us to Mexicali!!! Yes, Mexico!!! I was the "gringa"!!! LOL Came back to Pomona, CA around 15 years old and was there until I moved here, Plumas Lake, CA. It is a newer town north of Sacramento, CA. I am starting to love it here... only because I don't have to deal with ANY traffic! If there is one thing you have to know about me is that I am a HUGE family person! and that has been the hardest of moving 7 hours away from my family!!

My favorites:
hmmmm I was just asking myself that yesterday!! I LOVE cooking and baking!! If I have a favorite food it would have to be "enchiladas de mole", I know some of you guys are probably going "what?" My favorite colors would have to be black and brown. Places: hmmm I love visiting my mother-in-law in Mexico... it's a very small town about 1 hour north of Mexico City.
What is your favorite Craft?
Anything that has to do with scrapbooking and card-making
How Did Discover Scrapbooking (or Craft?) I don't remember! It started when I got married and then had my kids.... I saw things and bought stickers and little albums and started my collection. Left it for a while and then a few years back my BFF encouraged me to get the Cricut and the rest is history!!!

How did you learn to do Scrapbooking (or Craft?)
I learned scrapbooking by watching others! Took a couple of classes for some layouts.

How Long have you been Scrapbooking (or Crafting?) Full blown scrapbooking... I would say since 2008

What "style" would you describe your Personal crafting?
Playful and Bright

Do you do any Digital Scrapbooking or other digital media art?
I have tried digital scrapbooking but It does not do much for me! Other digital stuff... I am getting into Photoshop and making buttons! I am loving it!! I am thinking of taking some courses to do my own blog designs!!

What are your 3 favorite projects and why?
one of them is a card I did for Emma's throwback Thursday using Peachy Keen faces (Turkey Card) and the cowgirl and cowboy layouts!

What are some of the drawback to the craft you find? It does take time away from family!

What are some of the enjoyments to the craft you find?
The smiles on people's faces when they receive that special card or layout! and of course all the beautiful comments people leave on our posts!! I always say that comments are what feeds us bloggers!

Do you use sketches?
Yes I do! I have done about 4 of them.... I like it!

Where do you find Inspiration?
When it's cards I am doing, I get inspired by the papers and stamps I am using. For layouts it's the pictures!

Do you belong on any "Design teams" now or in the past?
Yes! Here they are in order:

Joy's Life


Cooking With Cricut

Sweet Sassy Diva

Paper Playtime

Family Fridays

Flaunt It Fridays

My Creative Time

Sassy Lil Sketches

Peachy Keen Stamps (Guest Spot)

Kich N Bleus designs (Coordinator)

When you loose your "mojo" how do you get it back? I start looking at pictures!!

Can you briefly describe how your process of creating begins? Such as with color, theme, etc choice?
I start with the base card... usually it's craft or black and then I bring out the patterned paper I will be using and I have to bring out all the papers for that collection I have! and i have to be honest and say... I do waste a lot of paper!!!

What are your top 3 favorite tools?
In order:
1. Tim Holtz Distressing Ink!!
2. ATG gun
3. super sharp scissors

What are your Top 3 favorite embellishments?
I am always using ribbon, buttons and BLING!!!!

What are your some ideas you share with others?
I am just starting to get into Make The Cut and buying SVG files vs. Cricut cartridges is a lot less expensive!! Try it out! You will love it!

What advice would you give to a newbie just starting in this crafting?
Research what is essential to start scrapbooking. This is a very expensive hobby!

Any organizational tips you'd like to share?
LOL funny! I am bad!!!!!! Specially now that I don't have my own space! I have a little corner in one of my boy's room and I am taking over little by little!! One thing I am trying to do and I am loving is make sure you PICK UP after EACH project!!! it doesn't matter if you will use that pen, glitter, glue again! PUT IT AWAY!! Also, I have on my desk one of those 6-drawer plastic containers (8.5x11) stacked up on the edge with all the essentials and I LOVE IT!!!! Those little round thing that go on the desk..... really?! You can't fit anything in those things!!!

Any Budget Cost cutting tips?
really?? that is one of the questions??! LOL JK Go to your local Big Lots/Dollar Tree they have tons of crafting supplies!! My Big Lots has Basic Grey gallore!!!!! The 25 sheet packs of the same paper or stickers for 3 dollars!!! 12 x 12!!!

What made you decide to start a Blog, website, Facebook Fan page, etc?
My BFF started hers and I said "Ah what the heck" so I gave it a try and I will be celebrated my 1st year Blogoversary this March 19th!! I will had a blog hop to celebrate it!!!

What are the web addresses to all your places?
I have 2 blogs and (Cricut cake blog)

Do you sell any of your crafting projects?
I started..... started is the key work! I sold one card on Etsy and 3 to a lady!! I am starting to get everything ready to offer a monthly class in my neighborhood!

Anything you want to share that wasn't covered.
I am the coordinator for my sister's designs Kich n Bleus Designs! I am very proud of her and have pushed her to get them out there so people know how truly talented she is! I am the one in charge of her blog and design team!! We have some exciting things coming out!!!