
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

So, much to be thankful for on this beautiful May Tuesday!

I am thankful April is over and thus far on this third day of May all has gone well and smooth, unlike April which was full of horror, pain, unexpected difficulties and issues that arose almost everyday that were not for the good.

Secondly,  I am thankful for my Awesome Design Team and all the hard work they do and putting up with me and learning with me on having a Design Team. There term will be coming to an end soon :(, I sure hope they plan to stay on and we can grow our Teams too! Be sure to Check out their sites by Checking the "Design team Tab" up top.

I am thankful to have been part of Jenn's Celebration Blog Hop of Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Look Who's turning 40, if you haven't hopped along with us, I have a list below of links to follow. I am thankful for each and every comment I received during the hop, I love comments! :)  I am thankful for all my new followers that I have following me, so welcome. I am thankful for my loyal followers too!

I know there were some issues with some of the links for the FREE MTC/SVG Files I posted, so I hope I have fixed them all and decided that I would give you another day to grab those files and I forgot to post files on Sunday and yesterday, silly me!  If your new to the Scrapoholic, be sure to check out MTC Monday and Sketchy Saturday Challenges, would love to get more participation in those! Don't be shy, you know you want to!

Here are the MTC/SVG Files I've had for Jenn's Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Look Who's turning 40 Blog Hop. Most of These are Free only until tomorrow til NOON you can check out my other MTC/SVG Files I have for sale for Cheap on my MTC tab up top under the blog header. Some links are broken and I am trying to fix. I changed file hosts so am in the process of linking the files.

Monday's File: (April 25)  Sponge Bob

Tuesday's File: (April 26) Cupcake Stack

Wednesday's File: (April 27) Collection Balloons

Thursday's File: (April 28) Edged Cards

 Friday's File: (April 29) Card Fronts

Saturday's File: (April 30) Collection Birthday Mesh

 Sunday's File: (May 1) Collection Birthday

Monday's File: (May 2) Collection Flowers (For MTC/SVG Challenge)

Bonus File: 

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Look Who's turning 40 Blog Hop Review: Click to go right to each Day's post by each of the participants. I did day by day, some gals only had one project, while others, had a few and some had one each day. While your at each blog maybe have a looksy and if you like what you see, leave a comment or two or three or more, maybe even become a new follower too, we all love comments and new followers! I know they would be Thankful for them :)

Day one:

Day Two

Day Three:

Day Seven

Day Eight Bonus Day!

Until Tomorrow... Happy Crafting
Thanks for stopping by and visiting I'm sure glad you popped in to visit me :)

ttfn Jill