
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sketchy Saturday

 Welcome to Saturday Sketch Challenge!
A Sketch is an "idea" or "inspiration" to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different "look" add a little more embellishments, use different embellishments or shapes to fit your pictures.

The New Design Team will be announced shortly. We are so lucky to have such a diverse Design Team and I am so happy some of the Previous Design team is staying on with us and to add the new additions. Sad to see some move on but has been so wonderful working with them. 

Last Weeks Challenge Winner is Jann! 
Congrats and awesome card!

Check out her Blog HERE

This Weeks Sketches
Card Sketch Challenge link your card below post

Layout Sketch Challenge link your Layout below post

 You have until Friday June 24th midnight to link (see linky below post) your card or layout for the challenge to be eligible to win some "Blog Candy"!

This is just a small peek of the fun Blog Candy for this Sketch Challenge!
Until next time...

ttfn  Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)