
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Spotlight Sunday!

What is your Real Name?
My real name is Amanda Salovich

What are you Known as in "forums"/"blogs"?
I go by Scrap and Dash on Facebook and my blog's name is Scrap and Dash

Short Bio ~ what you can include, add more if you think of more

Age, Married, children, Schools, Occupation, where you grew up, where you lived, where you live now, favorite things like food, colors, places, etc. Involved in any other crafting or non-crafting activities?  
I am 32 years old and I live in MN.  I am married and I have been for 14 1/2 years.  I could say I married my high school sweetheart, but he didn't go to high school with me even though we dated all though high school.  His name is Jeff and he is my soul mate, best friend, and love of my life. He is my rock and balances me out perfectly most days.  He is a compassionate, loving, wonderful daddy to our 4 children.  We have a 13 year old daughter, 10 year old son, 6 year old son, and 3 year old son.  I love each and everyone of them.  They are wonderful children and I am blessed to be their mom.   It's tiresome and exhausting but I wouldn't have it any other way.  They each teach me so much about myself and I am loving watching them grow up into who God has created them to be.  I am a christian and I strive to reflect Jesus in all that I am.  I fall many times but "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes." Anne of Green Gables
 I was born in North Dakota and then I lived here and there as a kid.  When I was 12 we ended up in small town, USA (rural MN).  It was alright.  I live in the City now and I love being close to everything.  I do love the small town feel of my city, but it's not so small that everyone knows everything about everyone.
 I love chocolate - especially dark chocolate.  I love ice cream (peppermint bon bon is my favorite!).  I love to eat Mexican food or anything spicy like that.  I love the North Shore of MN.  If I could travel anywhere it would either Europe (Ireland, Italy, England, Paris), or a tropical Island.  I've never been out of the country so that is on my bucket list.  
Our family loves to camp and we have a tradition of camping once every summer in our yard and we make it our state park.  Salovich State Park!  It's great and I'm thankful all our kids love to camp too.  I like to read.  The most recent good books that I have read are The Girl with Dragon Tattoo (all three of those books).  I usually spend my evenings before bed reading.  I don't get much done that way because I fall asleep. I like to exercise, and decorate my house too.  We are in the process of remodeling our kitchen (actually we're paying someone to do it for us) and I'm so excited to have it finished and paint the rest of the house too!   I am also getting into photography.  I really have loved taking pictures since I got my first camera when I was 10.  I love see the results and I enjoy the creativity that comes with photography.  

What is your favorite Craft?  

My favorite craft is scrapbooking.  I LOVE to scrapbook!  

How Did Discover Scrapbooking (or Craft?)

Scrapbooking is something I discovered via the mail.  I got a mailing for Precious moments scrapbooking stuff.  At the time I was a stay at home mom with no car and I didn't have internet.  I really didn't even know there was such a thing until I saw the brochure.  I thought, "Wow!  I want to do that with my pictures!"  So I sent in the flyer and received monthly mailings of all the supplies I needed to make a couple pages.  

How did you learn to do Scrapbooking (or Craft?)

I learned on my own.  I looked at pictures on the kits that came in the mail.  I had no idea about technique or that you could buy pre cut letters and pictures.  If I saw something I liked I free hand drew it which took forever!  Eventually I heard of Creative Memories, and learned that Michaels sold a bunch of scrapbook stuff.  

How Long have you been Scrapbooking (or Crafting?)  
I have been scrapbooking for 13 years now.  My daughter was just about 4 months old when I started.  I am still working on my daughters 1st year!  eek!

What "style" would you describe your Personal crafting?

 I like simple and elegant.  I don't like a lot of clutter on my pages but I want them to look beautiful.  It's a balancing act.  I scrapbook to create a beautiful way to preserve my family's memories.  I strive to create a legacy for my family through scrapbooks.  I want the emphasis to be on the pictures themselves while having a beautiful layout to present them on.  

Do you do any Digital Scrapbooking or other digital media art?

I have not tried digital scrapbooking but I have done photo books through shutterfly so help catch me up a little.  

What are some of the drawback to the craft you find?

I guess the biggest drawback that comes to mind is $.  Products and supplies are hard to keep up with sometimes.  I should buy stock in the crafting supply industry.  ha!  Another drawback is time.  It is so elusive.  With 4 kids and husband it's tough sometimes to find time to scrap.  I am still on my daughter's 1st year and she's 13.  I have found over the years that it's much easier for me to scrap chronologically rather than skipping around.  

What are some of the enjoyments to the craft you find?  

Scrapbooking is so relaxing to me.  I love being able to forget the world while being creative.  I love to know I'm creating a legacy for my family by preserving family memories in a beautiful (most of the time) way.  I also enjoy the friendships and networking I've formed via facebook and blogs.  The inspiration I find from these creative people is awesome!  

Do you use sketches?

I have used sketches a few times.  They come in handy when my mojo is gone.  

Where do you find Inspiration?  

Sometimes I find it via blogs and facebook fan pages, other times it just just comes to me.  I'll stare at pictures and thumb through a stack of pictures waiting.  I'll look through my other pages that I've done.  

Do you belong on any "Design teams" now or in the past?

Not yet.  I would LOVE to be part of a design team!  

When you loose your "mojo" how do you get it back?  

I usually just need to browse blogs and see what others are doing.  Usually that sparks the fire.  Then that idea spills into other ideas.  I love it when I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head!  

Can you briefly describe how your process of creating begins? Such as with color, theme, etc choice?  

I start with pictures.  I look at the pictures and try to get a feel for the emotions it brings to mind.  Silly, funny, sweet, romantic, sentimental.  Then a vision of look I'm aiming for starts forming in my head and I kinda just go from there.  I usually look through the supplies I have to see what color papers would work, what embellishments I have that fit, what cartridges or cutting files I have that work.  One cartridge that I have used a lot for my daughter is the Storybook Cart.  For some reason I just love that one.  I've also used the stamping cartridge a lot.  

What are your top 3 favorite tools?

MY CRICUT for sure!!  Then I'd have to say my xyron sticker makers.  They are so handy for tiny stuff and intricate pieces.  My Gypsy!!  It opens up a whole new world of creating with the cricut carts that you have.  One more tool I love is set of cricut tools.  I love them and they really do come in handy when picking pieces up of sticky mats.

What are your Top 3 favorite embellishments?

 I love jewels, ribbon, and flowers!  

What are your Top 5 ideas you share with others?

 I don't know that I have ideas that are that original.  I guess 1. -layers!  They add dimensions and it's a good way to add color and textures.  2.  don't clutter that pages. I like the emphasis to be on the pictures themselves and when the pictures begin to disappear into the page I know I've added to much detail to the rest of the pages.  You'll know the balance when you see it.  3. step out of the box.  try new ways to display pictures or items like cards and mementos.  use tags that slip out of pictures, add dimension behind some embellishments.  4.try inking edges.  I'm new to inking but I love the look it gives to frames and the edges of embellishments.  5. use a mix of solid colors and coordinating patterns.  play with the combinations before cutting and adhering.  

What advice would you give to a newbie just starting in this crafting?

Be patient and be yourself.  If you natural bent is scrapbook layouts, try to incorporate tips, techniques, and challenges into what you do best.  Don't be afraid of failure.  Everyone has those days where their creations could look better.  Try new things that aren't your natural bent.  You'll learn new things about yourself and your craft.  

Any organizational tips you'd like to share?

organize your papers by color. It's not only helpful when looking for a color that you need, but it looks pretty too.  I have access to my always used tools on my desk, and the rest are organized by what they are (pens, scissors, adhesives,) Shoe boxes have been helpful and they are cheap.  

Any Budget Cost cutting tips?

Like I said above, shoe boxes are a great for storage.  I needed a shelf to go under my desk and I used an old shoe rack with shelves that were flat.  I love to save my scraps and they work great for paper piecing.  

What made you decide to start a Blog, website, Facebook Fan page, etc?

 I first opened my etsy shop in September.  I had been considering it for a long time (since I got my cricut in 2009) but didn't really have the reason.  It hit me in September when I was talking with a friend from church during a planning meeting.  We talked about scrapbooking and card making.  She said she makes cards but doesn't really scrapbook because she doesn't like unfinished products.  She felt card making was something she could accomplish with a finished product.  It hit me that I could make pre made pages that other people could buy and all they would have to do is add their own pictures.  After I opened my etsy shop, I opened a facebook fan page.  I realized that I should have a blog so I could participate in challenges and blog hops so about a month later I opened my blog.  

What are the web addresses to all your places?
Do you sell any of your crafting projects?  
I do sell them on ETSY.  I've seen people selling on ebay so I'm considering trying my hand at that as well.  For right now you can visit my ETSY store or contact me via email ( scrapanddash at gmail dot come).  I love custom orders as well so I'd love to work with you.  

If so, where can one purchase them? (websites email, etc.) 
For right now you can visit my ETSY store or contact me via email ( scrapanddash at gmail dot come).  I love custom orders as well so I'd love to work with you.