
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Announcing The New Design Team!

I am so excited for this post! We will have new additions to our already Fabulous Design Team!
Each person brings such diversity to the team for such fabulous Inspiration. 

If your are here for Sketchy Saturday Go HERE

We are blessed to have several of our Design Team Members to stay on with us and sadly some are moving on and we will miss them.
Without further ado please welcome our New Design Team Members for either MTC/SVG Mondays or Sketchy Saturday!

Laura  who will be part of our Sketchy Saturday Design Team. Check out her Blog HERE

Jessica L who will be joining our MTC/SVG Monday Design Team. Check out her blog HERE

Natalie R who will be part of our Sketchy Saturday Design Team. Check out her Blog HERE

Jackie L who will be joining our MTC/SVG Monday Design Team. Check out her blog HERE

Melanie L  who will be part of our Sketchy Saturday Design Team. Check out her Online Gallery HERE

Sabina F who will be joining our MTC/SVG Monday Design Team. Check out her blog HERE

Jann S who will be part of our Sketchy Saturday Design Team. Check out her Blog HERE

Take a moment and check out each of their blogs or online galleries to see a preview of their upcoming inspiration on The Scrapoholic Design Team! 

Until next time...

ttfn Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)