
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sketchy Saturday

 Welcome to Saturday Sketch Challenge!
A Sketch is an "idea" or "inspiration" to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different "look" add a little more embellishments, use different embellishments or shapes to fit your pictures.

The New Design Team will be starting next Saturday!  We are so lucky to have such a diverse Design Team and I am so happy some of the Previous Design team is staying on with us and to add the new additions. Sad to see some move on but has been so wonderful working with them. 

In he Meantime if you would take a moment and welcome the new team! Each Saturday we will have inspiration since our team has grown I have Team A and Team B so that each week we will have some beautiful inspiration for you! I am also looking for anyone to "sponsor" our Blog Candy. If you would like to be a "sponsor" please EMAIL ME.  

I also, am working on a wordpress blog, with blogger having so many issues and many recommending wordpress and my friend Jenn did hers i of course followed her. funny thing is when i went to go register The Scrapoholic it said it was taken and of course I was mad and pouted for a few until in dawned on me, HEY, maybe I already took it! LOL! I did! So for the month of July I will be posting here and there simultaneously.  Then between your feedback and my experience with both I will stick with one or the other.  You can go to HERE for wordpress blog and let me know what you think.

Back to Sketches! No inspiration this week, Sorry! But you get to be the inspiration! So take those old pictures from years past or the ones you take this weekend and get them scrapped with the layout sketch! Take a moment and make a card for someone serving overseas and Thank them for serving our country THE USA. ok, your in a different country thats ok, you can still participate and lets see what you do in your country with the sketches! :)

Layout Sketch:

Card Sketch:

 Blog candy is a CTMH Level 2 "Fanfare" Paper Pack(value $12.95).  
 This is one I can't send first class out of the country so for Scrappers outside the US I ask you share the cost of shipping and we split it. To Canada and Mexico its $12 US Priority and Everywhere else is $15. Unfortunately, the USPS charges so much, If i could have it my way I would, but they just don't listen to me. So I thought splitting the cost would be the fairest way. I know it stinks, but unfortunately I have to do it this way cause I can't afford it otherwise and I'd have to exclude you and I don't want to. I hope you understand. The only other option is to change the blog candy to a smaller grab bag of items I can ship first class.

Fanfare Level 2 Paper Pack
Go Create and add your link to your creation to the "linky Tool" below! to be entered for a chance to win the paper pack!
You have until Friday July 8th @ 11:59pm (pst) to link your project!

Until Next time...
Happy Crafting!

TTFN Jill aka The Scrapoholic