
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sketchy Saturday!

 Welcome to Saturday Sketch Challenge!
A Sketch is an “idea” or “inspiration” to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different “look” add a little more embellishments, use different embellishments or shapes to fit your pictures.
We had some wonderful projects entered into the challenge last week and its so hard to pick winners with such wonderful entries
Last week Winners are:
Be sure to email me your mailing address to end your Blog Candy :)
Layout winner is Moni
Card Winner is Jessica
Don’t forget I also, am working on a wordpress blog, with blogger having so many issues So for the month of July I will be posting here and there simultaneously.  Then between your feedback and my experience with both I will stick with one or the other.  You can go to HERE for wordpress blog and let me know what you think.
Back to Sketches! Below the Sketches you will find a “Sneak Peak” of the Design Team inspiration this week, below each inspiration picture is the Design Team Members name! Simply click their name to go to their blog, facebook fanpage, online gallery to see the full Inspiration. I was hoping to get a layout and a card done for this week for inspiration but it didn’t work out. Still getting unpacked from the move and settled on top of dealing with the idiot movers Beckens (the worst movers of all time!) I am missing so much stuff!
Layout Sketch:
Card Sketch:
Design Team “Sneak Peak” Inspiration
Click their names below to see the entire Inpiration project
 Blog candy is a $10 in new CTMH product from the New Fall/Winter catalog of your choice.
You have until Friday July 22th @ 11:59pm (pst) to link your project!
Until Next time…
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill aka The Scrapoholic