
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sketchy Saturday!

Welcome to Saturday Sketch Challenge!
If you are here for the Back to School Hop Just scroll on down to the next post 
or Click HERE
A Sketch is an “idea” or “inspiration” to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different “look” add a little more embellishments, use different embellishments or shapes to fit your pictures.
Winner of Last week's Sketch Challenge is 

Ivonne Hernandez!

Please email me your mailing address so I can get your Blog candy off!

For any who have won in the past weeks all have or are going postal by today! Sorry for the delay, had to wait for my order to come in to fill the Prizes and took longer than i expected!
 Below the Sketches you will find a “Sneak Peak” of the Design Team inspiration this week, below each inspiration picture is the Design Team Members name! Simply click their name to go to their blog, facebook fanpage, online gallery to see the full Inspiration.
Layout Sketch:

Card Sketch:

Design Team “Sneak Peak” Inspiration

Melanie L  ~ Online Gallery HERE for a better view and her 2nd part of the Double layout

Jann S ~  Blog HERE to see a better view, details and her 2nd card

Laura  ~ Blog HERE to see a better view and details

Jessica's Blog

Be kind and leave some love for the Design Team on their Blogs or Galleries etc.  Thanks :)

You have until Friday Aug.12th @ 11:59pm (pst) to link your project!
The Blog Candy is a Fun Pack of 8 handmade cards by ME :)
Until Next time…
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill aka The Scrapoholic