
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sketchy Saturday!

Welcome to Saturday Sketch Challenge!

A Sketch is an “idea” or “inspiration” to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different “look” add a little more embellishments, use different embellishments or shapes to fit your pictures.
 Below the Sketches you will find a “Sneak Peak” of the Design Team inspiration this week, below each inspiration picture is the Design Team Members name! Simply click their name to go to their blog, facebook fanpage, online gallery to see the full Inspiration.
Card Sketch:

Design Team Inspiration



Please visit The Design Team Blogs and leave them some kind words as they work hard every week to bring inspiration.

My Sketchy Saturday Challenges will be just for Inspirational Fun and to get some Cards and Layouts done. At this point, I can no longer afford Blog Candy and No One wants to sponser my Challenges. I need to raise money to pay for medical expenses. Thank you for understanding.

Until Next time...
Happy Crafting