
Friday, October 7, 2011

Disney Mini Scrapbook Album On-Line E-Class

Ok, so I should have had this all done like, last week or earlier this week! But I confess i am a major procrastinator when it comes to stuff I don't like to do you know like laundry, or dusting or writing tutorials. Not that its hard, its just boring, ok writing tutorials, are a bit hard kinda like Algerbra (for those of us who aren't math people) or say poetry (for those of you who aren't ? I don't know what you call that) anyways, I think you get the idea. As you can see, I am quite capable of babbling on and on especially if you've been a follower for awhile and then I stray off subject and come back, like I am doing right now. So on with it I say!

I have made this adorable Mini Disney Scrapbook Album and decided to make it into a vertual on-line (e-class) class. What is a Virtual On-line/E-Class? Well its like those college classes you take on your computer, except this is a one time deal and for fun! So, since I can't come to your house and you can't come to mine cause we live so far from each other :(, I've made written instructions (the ones I procrastinated on doing) and a video tutorial, plus well the most important thing the album kit to go together on how to make this adorable Disney Mini Album.
  What does it all entail and what do you get?

  • 1 Plain Mini White 3 ring Book that measures approx. 5.5" x 8" (yes big enough to put regular pictures in! a few will need to be trimmed)
  • All The paper pieces already pre-trimmed for ease of putting it together
  • The written instructions via e-mail ( keep cost down & 2. to save a few trees 3.You can still choose to print it yourself) which is nice to have the instructions to make another similar book.
  • Flip-Flaps Which are photo sleeves to add extra pictures in the book, if you don't get it don't worry once you see the video you will just LOVE Them!
  • All the embellishments needed (not all shown in finished pages cause there is a few bonus features to finishing the book!)
  • Of course that includes the ribbon 

Basically everything you need to assemble the mini Scrapbook album with the exception of adhesive that is the one thing you will need to supply yourself, oh and ink pads if you choose to Ink the edges of the papers as I am leaving that as an option since not everyone like that technique.

Here are some visual aids for you to see what you will be making! (if you haven't already seen on my facebook fan Page)


Page 1

Page 2 & 3

Page 4 & 5

Page 6 & 7

Page  8 & 9

Page 10
Page 10 showing a Flip Flap

Page 11

Page 12 & 13

Page 14 Pocket page w/3 Pull out tags

Page 15

Page 16 & inside back Cover
How do you sign up? Simple Just click the BUY IT NOW paypal button below to reserve your Mini Album Kit. There are sadly Limited quantities :(  I only Have 20! The nice thing is I am giving the option of a Donation of only $2 for the instructions and link to the video tutorial so you can still make a book but will have to find your own supplies. I am looking thru my papers to see if I have enough papers to give an option of the Kit w/out the book. Sadly, the book is discontinued from CTMH :(  So If I can find enough papers because many are discontinued papers too I will have a new post offering that as an option. I wish I could have more or knew they were discontinuing this cute book :(  See what happens when you procrastinate! if I had come up with this idea with these books when I first ordered them for a gathering (that got canceled :( ) I would be able to have ordered more! So Hurry before they are sold out!
However, the great news is all the profits are going to help My family & I pay off my ever growing medical bills. I just realized yesterday when i was filling out more paperwork to see yet another Doctor that I am coming up on 4 years! WoW! It took this long to finaly sink in and hit me with the reality of realtity of this life long situation!

The Cost is $25 for the Disney Mini Album Full Kit (You supply your own adhesive and ink pads) with $5 Priority shipping within the US ONLY!  

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting
TTFN Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)