
Monday, November 14, 2011

30 Days Of Christmas Cards n Sketches ~ Day 13

Sorry for not getting yesterday's post up for the cards n sketches. Blogger is not liking my pictures, I'm thinking its from my camera, I had a problem before awhile ago with it. So I am going to be posting later so i can manually post, so I will post in the afternoon after I get home from my physcial therapy appointments which are in the early mornings.

Card Sketch:

Cards From Sketch:

I will post Day 14 (today's) later this afternoon, early evening. After I get home from my procedure and if all goes well and I feel ok. I am having a radio frequency nerve block in jsut a lil while. I am very nervous and praying it works especially cause one of the cost, 2 if it works it should last at least 6 months and finally if it works i don't have to get the other nerve blocks every 2 weeks which are full of steriods.

TTFN Jill aka The scrapoholic