
Friday, November 4, 2011

30 Days Of Christmas Cards n Sketches ~ Day 5

Today is the First day of 30 Days of Blog Hopping!

Sorry this didn't post yesterday. I am not sure why, I have it pre-scheduled and my other pre-scheduled post is posting but not my cards n sketches. I think I might have it fixed and most certainly hope I do! Its hard on the weekends to catch it as I am not on-line as much cause its family time on weekends. Before I know it my last 2 kids will be out of the hose and off to college too so we try to do as much family time as we can on weekends when dad/hubby is home. I know how fast time flies. Anyways, without any further ado here are the Christmas sketches n Cards:

Card Sketch:

Cards from Sketches:

Below is a Mr. Linky tool to "link" your Cards you make from the sketch. You have til Dec. 23rd to link. I love seeing how others interpret my sketches.

Don't Forget to check out my 30 Days of Handmade Gift Giving too. 
Starts Day 1 Here

Until Tommorrow...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)

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