
Thursday, May 2, 2013

"Sneak Peak" at Scrapsome Products for the DT Challenge

As I have told you earlier, I have been selected to be part of the new "Scrapsome" Store Design Team. I'm very excited for so many reasons!  One I get to help a fellow scrapper grow her business and y'all know I love to help fellow scrappers, well just nice people too! Plus, I will be scrappin more, which means I will be accomplishing more crafty things, which also means I will be posting and sharing those wonderful projects too! I will be doing tutorials both written and video starting soon. Also, it'll be nice to work with a freedom of different brands and companies and not feeling so much of focusing on selling to meet my minimum while i was a CTMH consultant. Not that I don't like CTMH products, but lets just say I've been burnt by several other consultants, customers and of course Corporate.

But I also, will give me a reason to get back to scrapping and I mean really scrapping you know to stand up to my name  "The Scrapoholic"! It's been a long journey the past 5 years and its been difficult the past several years where reality has set in and acceptance has come slowly. I Thank All of you who have left comments or emails that have been inspiring and supportive/understanding.  Sorry, I haven't replied back to each of them, I do mean to but I get distracted and i know its a poor excuse, but lately my ADD is on overload of ADD!. 

Alright, back on track here, about Scrapsome Design Team (DT), its going to be a helpful healing process of accepting my limitations of things I can do and how slow I am now. Each Week at Scrapsome FB (FACEBOOK) Page, there will be a challenge either using certain products from their store, a certain "project" or a sketch either Card or Layout or both.  This current challenge we get to choose what we want to do, no Limits Challenge! So my brain has been awakened when I received this package in the mail the beginning of the week.
You can follow along or join in the challenges too on Scrapsome FB Fan Page.

Oh what could be inside?! 

It's always nice to get something in the Mail other than Bills or Junk Mail!

The Design Team (DT) at Scrapsome received their packages of supplies for our first Official DT Challenge. I am not sure if we all received the same items or not? I am so excited with what we have to work with. I have several ideas I want to do, hoping to at least 2 of my ideas! Without further ado here are the supplies that came in my package:

DoodleBug Design Printed Double Sided Cardstock Paper,
 Bazzil Cardstock and Paper House Cardstock Stickers!

Doodlebug Design Snips & Snails "Hanging Around" Double Sided 
Printed Cardstock Paper

(I believe those are the colors)
Plus PAPER HOUSE-Cardstock Stickers Wild Thing

 Doodlebug Design Snips & Snails Double Sided 
PrintedCardstock Paper

If you haven't yet "Liked" Scrapsome FB Fan Page, you may want to do so now because the "reveal" of my DT project and of course the other Team members projects too, will be on Scrapsome FB Page and the Scrapsome Blog. Plus, anyone who does the challenges along with us too! To go along with the challenge you can purchase all these items and so MUCH more at the Scrapsome Store HERE!

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill aka The Scrapoholic