
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sorry I've been MIA for so long

Its been quite a few months since I've posted on my blog or any Social media site for my Scrapoholics. 2013 has been the year from Hell! Its been one bad thing after another some very simple to more complex. Though almost 2 weeks ago I did have an awesome thing done! I had a spinal stimulator put in for my nerve pain in my right arm. I'm still recovering from the surgery but my pain levels in my arm have been way down and I feel its going to be even better once my surigcal pain subsides. I have been working on slowly still recoverying my files from my external HD that has issues, its been a slow process. I also, have been working on more cut files. I hope to get back to posting more regularly but making no promises to any schedule as the way this year has gone Im too afraid to make any commitments. I do have a post ready to go for tomorrow Friday Freebie so be sure to check back tomorrow for a cool fun Halloween cut file.

Until Next Time
Happy Crafting