
Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm so sorry, for the lack of post! I thought I had my 25 Days Series thu Mid May, but I guess not. I had gone thru the end of Feb. to make sure I had my blog post scheduled because I knew mid March I'd start flaking and becoming depressed as I have for the past 5 yrs. But it looks like I forgot to do The Mom & Dad Day Series which will go thru til May 11.  This week has been a bad week for me as Monday the 21st was my 6 year anniversary of my life being turned upside down taken away and entering Hell! I've also been still dealing with my new issue of back pain from having the spinal stimulator "installed". I kind of regret getting it but on the other hand its better than being on all the meds I was on, though I still have to take alot. I also have been working on my friends Wedding invites and it taking me longer than I thought cause its so hard for me to do crafting I can only do so much each day. I really miss the days when I could make 50 - 100 cards in a day, now I'm lucky if I can get 10 of the same style in a day before my arm starts spasming and the nerve starts zinging and then its just time to rest.

Anyways, enough of that depressing stuff. Thank you for all the support y'all have een given me over the years.  I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten on the 25 Days Cut File Series and glad y'all are enjoying them! I will be posting 2 cut files per post til I get caught up. This next series is for both Mother & Father's Day. The Series was supposed to start on the 16th, but as you can see it didn't, so that puts about a week behind. So, the next week each post will have 2 different cut files to download, so be sure to scroll thru the post to get both files!

My Etsy store is still set to vacation mode. I'm hoping to get out of my depressing funk soon. But then I am starting Physical Therapy again which is painful and wears me out. So, not sure when I will re-open the store but should be by the end of May, the latest, I'm hoping. I do check my email every few days, so if you need something don't hesitate to email me, just know it maybe a few days before I respond. Yesterday, for example, I didn't get out of bed until 10:30 cause I didn't sleep well the night before and Monday was just a hard emotional day and a physical day too and then I just vegged out on the couch in my Pj's and watched House on Netflix til kids were done with school. This month I've had alot of days like that. So anyways, just wanted to let y'all know what was going on.

TTFN The Scrapoholic aka Jill