
Monday, June 1, 2015

Where did the Month of May go?

Wow May came and went in a blink! So Sorry, wasn't around for the month of May. Between physical Therapy 3 times a week, once for my arm and twice for my back plus all the home exercises they given me. It has helped alot for my back, my arm has given me a bit more flexibility but the pain is always there. Plus I was working on a custom cut file and making Graduation announcements for my daughter who graduates from Oregon University on the 15th of this month. We are so proud of her!Then, I was having internet issues starting back in March but got so much worse by mid April. Trying to get comcast to come look at it was a battle.They tried blaming our modem or our computers or anything they could. They finally came out and looked, not sure exactly what they did but it got mostly better after their 3rd time. But my computer wasn't doing any better. We tried what we knew and still it was taking 30 - 40 min. just to load one page, man it was worst than dial up cause I knew it should take less than 15 seconds! So we took it to our computer guy to upgrade from Window 8 to 8.1. it seems abit better but he said my processor can't keep up so I need to only open a few  windows at a time, which I love to have a ton open at once, just a bit ADD! 

But, I plan to make it up to y'all. So be sure to check back by the 5th for a New 25 Days Series. Plus, I will be adding some of my "Original" files I made when I first got MTC to the 25 Day Series. I have got myself ready for the summer and hope not to miss a post. Plus I have a few projects I've finally gotten to finish :)

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN The Scrapoholic aka Jill