
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Frustrating Computer/Online Issues! Ugh!

Hello, Hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th (if you Live in America). Mine was quiet but nice.

I have not been able to stay online for more than five minutes the last few days before my shockwave thing crashes. I've tried using hubby's and daughters computers to fix that one file but am having issues with which is also why I haven't started my new 25 Days Series which was Suppose to start Monday.  I'm trying to find a better place to upload and share my files. I may go back to 4 shared for now. If anyone has any suggestions that work well please let me know.

Also, if you've emailed me I haven't been able to get to my email even from my phone. I usually don't like to check my email from my smart (which seems to be dumb lately) phone cause it jams up but all its letting me see is old (and when I say old I mean like 2yrs. old) emails.  

The past year I've had too many electronic issues, I swear I have something in me causing it cause I'll try to use others electronics and I have the same issues as with my electronics.  Not sure if its from my spinal stimulator causing some sort of interference but I'm beyond frustrated with it all.

Fingers crossed & knock on wood, I can try to fix the issues and get files uploaded to 4shared today!

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN The Scrapoholic aka Jill