
Saturday, November 21, 2015


This past week was beyond crazy and hectic. Besides recovering from an oting which I had a blast, but it took me two days to recover in bed, but was worth it. My daughters new phone has had all sorts of problems and had to be sent out for repair, so she needed a phone while out and about and since I don't go anywhere, she used my phone. I didn't realize how much I use my phoneand how much its part of my daily routine. Becase my computer's processor is so slow and horrible, I tend to check my email, facebook, Etsy shop and kill some time on Pinterest (ok some days too mch time). My son was trying to update his compter to windows 10 and had difficulty and needed to use my computer for school, as he homeschools online. So that put more a cramp on my routine. Since my routine was all messed p, I totally forgot to check my blog and though I had all the files I want to share this month, I forgot I didn't do all my blog posts for the month! 

 So Sorry!

I still have a few more College Logos, I need to finish, Not sure which ones as my list is in a creative mess. So, those will most likely be posted next week! I have my computer back 100% so I can get working on those. Hopeflly my daghters phone comes back fixed soon!

THough I have been super physcically creative making some adorable Mini Disney Albums, after getting a Custom Order from a cstomer On Etsy. While working on hers, I found some massive mojo and have quite a few Mini Albums that now just need assembly! I'll be listing those in my Etsy shop, Hopefully next week!

In the meantime, I made this file special for y'all! Hope you find some unse for it!
Watch for more Files between today and tommorrow to catch up for this weeks files!

Get Freebie File HERE
Since Dropbox is down for maintenance again, I temporarily switched back to Any issues, please let me know. I will be switching back to Dropbox as soon as they're back up!

Files come in both MTC (Make The Cut) & SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) Formats in a compressed Zip File with a Picture in JPEG format, which is simply a "screen Shot of the "cut File" with th e background removed, no guarantees of how "printable" the jpegs are.

They are in a compressed zipped file and when extracted there is a file in MTC (Make The Cut) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) Formats. You need an electronic die cut machine with software that can read/open either an MTC or SVG format file.

Until Next Time...
Happy Cutting!
TTFN The Scrapoholic aka Jill