
Friday, May 27, 2016

Coupon Code 25% Off in my Etsy Shop

This weekend is hubby & I 25th Anniversary! Can't believe we've been together for 25 years! We have survived so many things, that many seperate over. We are best friends and soul mates. We finish each other sentences, which we did in the first months. People have tried to come between us, break us up or even wish that we'd break up. The one thing I know has kept us together besides our love is open and truly honest communication! if i look like shit, he can say it and i can hear it and know he's not saying it to be mean. Vice versa, I can tell him he looks like shit and he can hear it and know I'm not being mean. We both LOVE Football, but have rival teams; Y'all know I LOVE my Broncos! But I married a Patriot Fan! But hey, we made a Seahawk fan :) We still love each other. We have some great football conversations in this house and no we don't always agree.

Anyways, I could go on about football, and my awesome husband, cause I caught a great one even though he has a flaw of being a Pats fan. I wanted to celebrate with y'all and what a better way than a SALE!

 Since its our 25th Anniversary, I'm having a 25% Off Sale in my Etsy Shop!! Just enter the coupon code: HappyAnniversary in the coupon code box during the check out process.

The Coupon code has NO spaces!
Get to my Etsy Shop HERE

If something sells out or isn't listed just send me a message and I will try to get it listed ASAP. I will be out most of Saturday afternoon. The Sale goes from today until the 31st of May! There is plenty of time for me to get things listed. I have updated a few of my listings and will hope to have them up by today!

Until Next Time...
Happy Shopping!
TTFN The Scrapoholic aka Jill