
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sorry Superhero Freebies are suspended for now...

While I was uploading my files to finish this months Superhero freebies, I somehow accidentally deleted my folder! I don't know how or what happened. It was just gone when I went to go to the next files?Unfortunately, I had all my files on a USB. If you've ever deleted a file from a USB its not so easy to recover :(  because it doesn't go into the recycle bin and able to recover. It was backed up on the USB because when I brought my computer to Geek Squad to fix some glitch in the tablet mode they had to reformat the drive so everything I did have was gone and I just never put these files back on my computer! I was hoping, I'd have everything back or fixed by now, sorry!

 I've been working tirelessly to recover them but its just not working :(  I recovered them but when I open either my MTC or SVG its empty and the JPEGs are showing recovered but when opening them to trace nothing is available! ugh! very frustrating. As soon as I can either recover them or get new ones made, I'll start posting again. Just be patient!
Me & technology is such a complicated relationship.

Until Next Time...
Back everything up in 2 Places!
TTFN The Scrapoholic