
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Computer is in the Shop

I got a new computer back in April with our tax return. Igot an HP, which i was a lil skeptical, cause every time I get an HP computer I have issues with it. Plus,HP always has these updates, but the guy insisted the HP updates aren't that often...yeah they are, one every week! Then, after every update my computer gets wonky! This computer is a 2 in 1,where its a computer and a tablet. Getting it into tablet mode was great at first, not since. Plus, they sold me on Geek Squad, saying, its great, just like your computer guy but cheaper and easier. Hell NO its NOT! I've been having issues with my keyboard not working, last 2 times I brought it in, they did some upgrade, worked for about a month. The other two times I brought it in for other issues, they simply reformatted my hard drive. I had to re-install all my software and then all my fonts. If your like me, I LOVE my fonts and have literally thousands. We all know you have to install them one at a time!Not only do I loose 3 days while Geek Squad has my computer, when I get it back, I loose another 3 days of reinstalling and getting everything back to where I need it. I've been delaying bringing in my computer because I know this process and really am pissed that they are not like my computer guy! This time I'm bringing it to my computer guy to diagnose and then bringing it to Geek Squad and telling them NO you are NOT just going to reformat my hard drive and I still have the same issues in a month! I'm going to insist they actually fix it and fix it the way my computer guy will. Which means all my files, all my software and all my settings are NOT touched!
I in the mean time am using either my daughters or my husbands computer when I can. Because of all these computer issues plus, all my doctor appt and procedures I've had done this past month to get my ulnar nerve (aka funny bone) pain under control and get my GERD and test done on my esophagus done, plus, i got this nasty cold. So, I have not got my files to do for this month ready to go, So no files for this month sorry.

Until Next Time...
Happy Thanksgiving!
TTFN The Scrapoholic