
Friday, December 9, 2016

Update! I'm so far Behind!

I've got my computer back, its working for now. I know its not going to be long before the keyboard gets its bug back and switching to tablet mode stops working again. Since"oopsie break". So sometime, i may oopsie spilled my coffee and then drop it and get a new replacement. Hubby is looking over the "contract" to be sure we don't violate anything.

I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to spend time with family and friends. My Thanksgiving was quiet, except for yelling so my Dad could hear us, which he still didn't. My two little ones (who are not so little anymore!), weren't here :(  they flew back East to visit hubbies family and my lil sister and her kids. I missed them so much! I don't like not having all my kids together with hubby & I for the holidays. I think this is the hardest part of parenting, when kids are all grown up and start living their lives. At least at Christmas we'll all be together! This Christmas is going to be a GREAT Christmas that we haven't had in at least 10 years!!

I don't know about y'all, but I am soooooooo behind on my Christmas stuff its not even funny! I haven't finished my cards for this year. I have to gather my boxes of cards for the past 5 yrs that I haven't been able to afford to mail. I'm excited because this year, every month I put a % of my Etsy sales for postage to mail out my Christmas Cards for this year and the past 5 yrs I haven't been able to! I still have some shopping to do for a few people. I also, have quite a few gifts to still make! Decorating is somewhat done but not quite complete.

Then, I have my 12 Days of Christmas Tags, that was suppose to start on Dec. 1st and today is the 9th! So many things to do and my health just isn't letting me. I got over my nasty cold that was keeping me down. Then i had a follow up appt for my high blood pressure, which is caused by my chronic nerve pain. My doctor, well actually a nurse practioner, because my doctor wasn't in for my appt, which she hasn't been the last 4 times i've gone in 2 months, which probably means ashe's leaving and yet another doctor at some point will be new at the clinic. Sorry, for the huge run on sentence. Anyways, she upped my meds and it took a bad turn. I couldn't stay awake for more than 2 hrs and was sleeping about 18 hrs a day and still exhausted. On top of that my eyeballs hurt so bad, I couldn't focus or concentrate or remember. I should have called sooner but just thought it was another cold but when my eyes hurt to keep open, I called and they said it was my meds. I went back to my old dosage and my energy is back to my normal, but eyes still hurt quite a bit. In any case, I'll be posting my 12 Days of Christmas tags and probably double up on posts, so y'all that want to make tags have time. Yes, the tags are going to have FREE Cut Files with them!

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN The Scrapoholic