
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Apologies for ...

I am so sorry for all the links being messed up. I think I have fixed all the ones that had issues. I'm not sure why so many had issues, other than life has been stressful the past few months.  I've checked the rest and think, they should all be ok.  

I haven't been online alot the past few weeks because of several reasons. I won't have a big online presence over the next few months either.  One the past 2 weeks we've had internet issues, were we loose the internet for hours at a time. Comcast hasn't been much help, they like to blame our router but our router is fairly new and we've been doing less on the internet this past month than in the past few months. Of course, our router company blames our internet company. Then as, always I have a ton of doctor appointments. the past few months I've had a few extra because my kidneys and liver #'s have been erratic and my blood sugar levels too. Have been trying different "diets", which just never seem to work for me, and different meds. I had a bad reaction to my high blood pressure meds when they doubled it. I still have my nerve pain in my arm, back and arthritis in my hip to keep under control the best I can. 

I've been working on quite a few custom orders in my Etsy Shop for both cut files and crafting/party/wedding items. I'm currently working on 15 matching candle centerpieces that is taking up some time. The same customer is also wanting some matching jars and signs. I work on those everyday. My Etsy shop is what helps pay my medical bills, so my Esty shop comes before my blog.

On top of all that we have been house hunting! Exciting, however, very stressful. Not sure how it is in your area but here, it's crazy in the price range we are looking at. Not many houses for sale, when a good one comes on the market, boy you have to be on top of it. Several houses we loved were sold by the time we got in to look and the house was only on the market a day! But we finally found one and we were the first to put in an offer and ours was the best, as of yesterday we are under contract. 

I have to start packing and well it's gonna take alot out of me. So, if my links are screwy, I don't respond as quickly as I usually do, it's because of either doctor appointments, packing and or just resting from dr. appt and packing.  I have already started packing and have and will be over the next month be listing stuff for sale in my Etsy as I pack my scrapbooking/craft stuff and find things I will list. I still have stuff I never unpacked from our move from CA to here 5 years ago sitting in my closet.  But exciting news, is the house we are buying, I'll have my own scrapspace again in the garage. It won't be spread out thru the house like it is here, I have stuff in my closet, my bedroom, living room and some in the garage. I take over our kitchen table weeks at a time and we end up eating in the living room and i hate not eating at the table with the family. My kids are grown but still i know in only a few years they'll be moving out and be on their own. I try to cherish the time with them as much I can.

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know whats going on. That i don't have the normal/average hours in a day as someone who isn't dealing with Chronic pain. Having to becareful not to cause a flare or overexert myself and end up raising pain levels for the next few days or week. I'm not ignoring my blog but unfortunately, I just don't get to it on a daily basis as I usually do. I'm hoping once the house buying and moving process is over, I'll have more time.

Until Next Time...
Go get something Scrapped or Created! :)
TTFN The Scrapoholic