
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I'm way behind ...

I have been super busy. Between, doctor appointments, general life, family time, custom orders in my Etsy shop, planning for Eclipse day, still slowly unpacking my craft stuff, getting ready for Craft fair in Dec., rearranging my pintrest boards because pintrest unarranged them!and updating files I run out of time every day!

The Eclipse was wicked awesome! we had a huge family day and we had so much fun. The Eclipse was breath taking experience. we were in the path of Totality. I hope everyone gets to experience that in their lifetime. I didn't understand the hype of it until I experienced it. Seeing pictures or watching on tv is not the same feeling as in person. If you have one happening near you plan a great day for it.

Anyways, I can't seem to get a schedule going since we moved. Even my sleep hours are not settled in yet. On top of that, Comcast has been telling us we used up all our internet?! So we loose a week the past 3months of not being able to get on with our computers. We have plenty of data for our phones. We can not figure this internet thing cause since we moved our internet usage is down.  

My Sketches and Files are still coming. It maybe a few more weeks til I can get caught up and start blogging regulary. I'm going to try and get some stuff posted in those few weeks.

Just asking for Patience :)

Until Next Time...
Keep on Crafting!
TTFN The Scrapoholic