
Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Days Of Christmas Cards n Sketches ~ Day 11

Card Sketch:

Cards from Sketch:

Sorry, I can not find them. i know I made a couple. Either my computer ate them or I saved them in some obscure file and never renamed them after I edited them. I will keep looking. I have no idea where they are in my pile of Christmas cards I've made of course they are kinda everywhere and not very organized. 

Below is a Mr. Linky tool to "link" your Cards you make from the sketch. You have til Dec. 23rd to link. I love seeing how others interpret my sketches.

Don't Forget to check out my 30 Days of Handmade Gift Giving too.

Also, Don't forget about contest for a chance to win my memories Digital software program. Last Day is TODAY!! 
Check out the rules HERE 

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)

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