
Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Days Of Christmas Cards n Sketches ~ Day 12

Card Sketch:

Cards from Sketch:

To make these cool fun trees. Take a half circle and starting at the bottom, fold the round part diagonally toward the straight edge. then fold it back the other way lining up the fold along the straight edge. repeat until you get to the top. Depending on how small or large you make the folds depends on your number of folds. The first fold is the most important getting that one down is the hardest from there its gets easier. I practiced on a scrap piece a few times before I go it.

Below is a Mr. Linky tool to "link" your Cards you make from the sketch. You have til Dec. 23rd to link. I love seeing how others interpret my sketches.

Don't Forget to check out my 30 Days of Handmade Gift Giving too.

Until Next Time...
Happy Crafting!
TTFN Jill (aka The Scrapoholic)

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