Welcoming in Summer with a fun Summer themed Blog Hop! This is day 2 of hopping!
This is the wonderful Blog Hop List, should there be any glitches along the way you can refer to this list here.
Jill ~ http://thescrapoholic.
Debbie ~ http://craftydeb-ddscrafts.
Sarah ~ http://simplyshaddock.
Jackie ~ http://jackiesscrappinpad.
Abby ~ http://www.
Nancy ~ http://blog.fancywithnancy.
Jenny ~ http://crazyaboutcricut.
Meighen ~ scrappin3rdeeschik.blogspot.
Jenn ~ http://jennscrap2.blogspot.
Gill ~ http://creationsbygillm.
I don't know about you but I really enjoyed yesterdays projects. I just want to get crafting and living life to make some memories to put into some new Scrapbooks! Today, I have 5 double Layouts that I did in Studio J. Studio J is CTMH Digital scrapbook program. I am not much of a digital scrapbooker but I do Like Studio J it truly makes it simple, easier and faster. With nothing ever to download, how can you not love that, so many choices of layouts and you can use some retired papers that either you ran out of or never had a chance to purchase. Its FREE to play, the only thing it requires is for you to make an account which is simple, no obligation to purchase. It saves any work you did for 30 days, if you make one purchase it archives all your work for a year. I am still learning the program myself and do plan this summer to do alot more and have some tutorials. I will always be a traditional scrapbooker, but what I do like about the digital scrapbook pages is that they are quick, you can add real embellishments later if so desired, like brads and such. I think cause I am so far behind that I will incorporate some digital pages into my scrapbooks so I can catch up a bit and still get out and live life to make those memories. I do love the quality that Studio J prints their pages and if you purchase at least 5 you get page protectors too! When you think about the cost of printing pictures alone, nevermind adding in the cost of adhesive and all the fun stuff its priced to buy and shipping is great price too. This month CTMH is giving everyone a free .jpeg of any layout you do, so you would have that layout in .jpeg form and get it printed at wherever you get your 12 x12 layouts printed, though I do have to say again, I love the quality of CTMH. Give it a try, who knows you may find yourself hooked like me and saving some time on scrapbooking to do more! Try it FREE HERE!!
Done with the whole blah blah blah, you just want to see some layouts right?! Right
I haven't added my pictures yet as I have planned ahead for this summer's photos to be added later

until tomorrow...
For Blog Candy (simple but fun) just visit each blog along the way leave a comment about each of their projects some will only have one project some may have one per day so be sure to check on the 2 days to leave a comment on each of their projects, of course they'd love new followers too but I won't require that, just your choice.
I'll Have several Prizes that will be a random drawing from all those that comment on all the blogs (the only requirement)
blog candy
blog candy
until tomorrow...
Happy Crafting