Thursday, March 31, 2011

Digital Thursday Challenge

Hello Scrapoholics, " Digital Thursday Challenge" new Digi Stamp Set available for purchase and One FREE Digi Stamp for you to try and use for the Challenge.
Jill is having computer issues and I am posting for her so hopefully this all goes smoothly.  I am going to try to help her catch up on her blog posts that haven't posted this week too.
The Digital Design Team Inspiration:
Gillian 's blog ~    

 Please stop by their blogs and say 'hello' and let them know what you like about their creations. They each created a Project or more from The JJ's Digi Designz "Spring Is Here" Digital Stamp set Below. You can purchase the whole set in  .PNG file format.

JJ's Digi Designs "Spring is Here" Digital Stamp Set 
Purchase This "Spring is Here" Stamp set for just $1!

This is the Freebie Stamp. It is available until April 2nd for Download.

Add your Creation to enter the Contest to win This Cute lil CTMH Stamp set
Add Your creation to the InLinkz by Midnight May 6th 
Sure hope you'll enter!

Digital Stamp Challenge

No entries so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Card sketches (2)

Here is the Card Sketch For Sketchy Saturday.

Bear with me as I'm trying some new technology features and really have no clue what in the world I am really doing or how this will really work.
I just Posted My Layout Sketch a minute ago in a different Post cause well, not sure how to make it work the way I'm doing this to make both be in one post! Looks like it gives you a link to my picture on my fanpage on Facebook.

Card sketches (2)

I don't like doing it this way so think next week i go back to the other way. I'm not a linky person liker. Say that 10 times fast, seriously, I dare you! LOL! :) Anyways, what I mean by that is You know you to a place to get something then you have to go somewhere else to get what you went there to get. I don't mind the links that send you some place for something else thats different or new. If I jsut confused you more Sorry! I think I confused myself it it that helps LOL! HAve a Crafty Saturday!

I am now being unplugged cause my husaband is rearranging and yes I'm old fashioned and still connected with wires to the computer or the computer is still wired to the wall. Oh whatever y'all know what I mean right? if not have a few drinks or read this at like 2 in the morning before you go to bed it will make more sense! :)

Sketchy Saturday

Here is the Layout Sketch For Sketchy Saturday.

Bear with me as I'm trying some new technology features and really have no clue what in the world I am really doing or how this will really work.
I'll be Posting My card Sketch in a minute in a different Post cause well, not sure how to make it work the way I'm doing this to make both be in one post!

Layout Sketches (2)

Friday, March 25, 2011

CTMH Hope For Japan Fundraiser

 CTMH is offering this Stamp set at a low price of $5 with 100% of the $5 going to help Japan!

You can order from my CTMH Website HERE, check out while supplies last page for some great deals!
If you'd like to save on shipping you can order directly thru me. I will be placing a CTMH order every Friday for these stamps sets to get a better shipping rate.

You can pay thru Paypal for shipping in the US click this buy it now button below which will have the $5 charge plus $5  for  Priority shipping added.

You can pay thru Paypal shipping to Canada click this buy it now button below which will have the $5 charge plus $12 for Priority shipping added.

You can pay thru Paypal shipping outside the US click this buy it now button below which will have the $5 charge plus $15 for Priority shipping added.

Everyone who orders will also receive a small THANK YoU gift from me. So not only do you get a fantastic stamp set, you get to help our Japanese friends during their ordeal and on top of that you get another free small gift from me! Thank You in advance for your order!

Freaky Friday

TGIF! This Friday is just a catch up of this past week and well ok maybe past month. Some days I think I bit off more than i can chew! All these fantastic ideas spinning in my head and i want to get it all out now! I had a blast in vegas wsith my sister. I'm not much of a gambler, too chicken to put that money in those machines. I did a few times and won $40 on my sisters $20. I learned so much at CTMH Leadershare. I am hoping to implement alot of what i learned. But old habits are hard to break. I've been trying all week to break them, I've done ok. Being away for a few days took me a few days to catch up.

First we will start with the Blog awards I've received in the past month. I do apologize I forget who gave me a few and If you can just say it was me who gave you ""x" award. I'll be sure you get credit! :)

I do love all the awards I received and am so honored in receiving them and I feel just horrible for letting myself get so behind that i forgot who has awarded them to me :( 

I did receive this weekend the Versatile Blog Award from Anne at Anniebee's Craft Room

As Part of these awards there are requirements I'm suppose to do and I don't remember them all. I know i need to share things about myself and pick other blogs to award them too.

So here's Seven (since 7 is my lucky and favorite #) things about me

  1. I'm American
  2. I only speak and understand English
  3. I miss drawing and painting
  4. I love the Rain
  5. I'm Christian, just not Good at it.
  6. I miss my little sister so much
  7. I wish upon a star every night (that i can see stars)
Each Day starting tomorrow I am going to choose 5 Blogs per Award. So along with my daily postings you'll see my Blog Award goes to:  Posts! 

Thank you for following me, leaving me comments, sending me awesome emails and just being YOU :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Abby's 1st Blogoversary Blog Hop

 Welcome To Abby's Blogoversary Blog Hop if your here for the Sketchy Saturday just scroll down to the next Post. I'm away in Vegas this weekend for a CTMH training Thing, thanks to my sister who made it possible by giving me an early 40th b-day present. Its my very first time to get to go to Vegas!

For the Blogoversary Hop you should have come from Amanda's Blog HERE, if not and you got lost you may want to start at the beginning at Abby's Blog HERE which also ends at Abby's Blog too so don't think you were sent to the wrong blog at the end and be sure to post on her blog twice once when you start and comment on her awesome creation, then leave everyone in the hop some nice words about their awesome creations and when back to Abby's at the end leave a comment that you finished the hop!  Otherwise if your hopped along to the right lily pad to me, The Scrapoholic below you'll find my creation:
I used MTC to create the Flower Wreath. i used Bling for The center. I used CTMH Cardstock because thats all I have. i sold all my other brands of cardstock. I used swiss Dots to emboss the flowers and inked the edges in pink ink and curled the top flowers petals with a pencil. I love making these wreaths they are super easy and fun. i sell them for $5 + $1.87 shipping. I don't yet have the MTC file up for sale yet, totally forgot to do it sorry and I've run out of time. I'll try to get it up for Monday Make the Cut Challenge.

I'm hoping to have the wreaths and flower sets listed soon in my new zibbet store next week.
Thanks for Stopping by and enjoy the rest of the HOp!

Now You're off to hop along the lily pads to Mari's Blog HERE

 HERE is the Blog Hopping List to hop along to should you get lost on the pond full of lily pads
Amanda K. B-
Amanda V-
Jill-  <<<---That's ME

Sketchy Saturday

Welcome to the 1st Scrapoholic's Sketchy Saturday. 

You'll Find a Card and Layout sketch here every Sat. Every week you'll find inspiration from either myself or my Design Team. This week will be The Design Team Inspiring you with their Creations from the Sketches That I've drawn up.  You'll have the opportunity to enter in the Challenge by linking your creation at the bottom to the linky.

Here are the two Sketches, One card and One Layout along with pics of the DT inspiration, be sure to check out their blog posts to see more about their inspiration and leave them some Love. Click the Picture to be able to go to the DT's Blog or Fanpage.

Double 12 x12 Layout

Left Side Close Up Double layout

Side Close Up Double layout

Amy 's  ~!/pages/Amy-Kate/164287750287027

Renee 's Blog-
 Amanda's  blog -
 Sarah's Blog ~

Now that you have some inspiration and the sketches, its your turn.  You need to go to each of the Design team Blogs (or Fanpage on Facebook), Follow them (if you are not), leave a comment about their Saturday Sketch and then make a new card or layout using one of the Sketches and come back and enter your link below to enter the challenge to be eligible win A Prize!

This week's prize is your choice of either a Digital stamp set from JJ's Digi Designs or an MTC collection Set (also available in SVG format).

Make sure your entry is linked beore March 25th at Midnight!

No entries so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Paddy's Day Hop

For the St. Paddy's Day Hop you should have come from Jenn's Blog HERE, if not and you got lost you may want to start at the beginning at Denise's Blog HERE.  Otherwise if your hopped along to the right lily pad to me, The Scrapoholic below you'll find my creation:

My Project is also my Blog candy! And Guess What You are ALL Winners!!!
(well, actually i guess that wouldn't be correct, i guess really only if you have MTC or SCAL)
Sorry! :(
So what is it? well, it is a Collection of St. Patrick Day Images I made in Make The Cut. I was hoping to get more than my test cuts done but I am leaving for Vegas first thing tomorrow morning and I had to get all my blog posts ready for the weekend while i was gone and tie up any loose strings! I am making the File FREE for all! Though by Monday the Link will be removed so be sure to download before Monday. yes, i have it available in SVG format too. I'd love to hear what you think about my Images and which one is your favorite.
Free MTC/SVG File Collection of St. Patrick's Day Images
Click the Link below for Which format you want your Free MTC File or your Free SVG Free File
Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase
Enjoy! and Happy St. Pat's Day! (yes, i know its kinda over but make it last all weekend :)

Now You're off to hop along the lily pads to Martha's Blog HERE

 HERE is the Blog Hopping List to hop along to should you get lost on the pond full of lily pads
jill  <<<------ You are Here!
Tricia Veinot-Moore
Lori Hornick West
Brenna Anderson
Cheryl Gibson
Gill McCall
Lisa Peters

Digi Thursday Design Team Challenge

Hello Scrapoholics, 
Glad to see  you've came today for The Digital Thursday Challenge!  
CONGRATS to Anne! 
She has won the Sampling of Vinyl for her Card Entry for the Last Digi Thursday!
Anne please email me
They will be sharing their talent and inspiring you every Two weeks for the Digital Stamp Challenges on Digi Thursday! Please stop by their blogs and say 'hello' and let them know what you like about their creations. They each created a Project from The JJ's Digi Designz  Digital Stamp set Below. You can purchase the whole set in either .JPEG or .PNG file format. Or Purchase the individual stamps in either of the file formats too.

Gillian 's Blog ~


I challenge you to create a  something Using one of the Digital Stamp Set images or more than one image. To link your project for this week's challenge, click on the blue "add your link" button below! This challenge ends at Midnight March 10th (US Eastern time).
I have a Free Digi Stamp for you

This is for a jpeg file format Grab it HERE (24 hrs only)
This is for a PNG file format Grab It HERE (24 hrs only)

Now that you have your Digital Stamps, that are hand drawn and created in the US.  To be eligible to win a Prize for Digi Thursday: You need to go to the Design Team Blogs (or Facebook page) become a follower (if not already), leave a comment on their Digi Thursday Challenge and last make a new card, layout or Project using one or more of this weeks digital stamp sets and come back and enter your link below to enter the challenge !

Digital Stamp Challenge

No entries so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sketchy Saturday

This Week, if you haven't noticed I missed most days posting. If you look at the date of this particular point you'll see its posted on Sat. and not Friday. i do apologize for not posting on my regular days. Its been a tough week for me and each week is getting tougher. I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary of my malpractice incident and you'd think each year it would get easier but for me it gets harder and starts earlier. I think because I think of where I was then on this date 3 yrs ago and where I would have been if Dr. Daniel Davis didn't make a mistake and change my life and not in a way a Doctor is suppose to, but he did and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, no it won't make my arm be all better, but it would make the financial part of all my medical bills I have and still encore every month alot easier. In any case, I'm babbling away. If your interested in MY Story you can see my new Blog and Facebook Page I've decided to start here: BLOG  or FACEBOOK. I'd love to have your following support.

I'm A little Late in getting this post up for today cause of reasons I explained above. So here's the Sketches for this Saturday. No Challenge this week but just for you to add to your Sketches.
Card Sketch

Layout Sketch:

Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday is spontaneous posts. Things that I want to share and either missed throughout the week or a total twist to a post or whatever I feel like doing! Maybe there will be a challenge, or a project I've finished and worked on, or a freebie, or some way out of the box post. Who knows it will keep you on your toes for sure!

This Week, if you haven't noticed I missed most days posting. If you look at the date of this particular point you'll see its posted on Sat. and not Friday. I do apologize for not posting on my regular days. Its been a tough week for me and each week is getting tougher. I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary of my malpractice incident and you'd think each year it would get easier but for me it gets harder and starts earlier. I think because I think of where I was then on this date 3 yrs ago and where I would have been if Dr. Daniel Davis didn't make a mistake and change my life and not in a way a Doctor is suppose to, but he did and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, no it won't make my arm be all better, but it would make the financial part of all my medical bills I have and still encounter every month alot easier. In any case, I'm babbling away. If your interested in MY Story you can see my new Blog and Facebook Page I've decided to start here: BLOG  or FACEBOOK. I'd love to have your following support.

Now before I get to the FUN STUFF! I am going to speak my mind because that is who I am, if you want to unfollow me because I am speaking from my heart and you don't like what i have to say, I say farewell, it was nice having you and I'm sorry you are leaving, but it is what you feel you need to do and I understand. I will miss you because I do enjoy having each and everyone of you as a follower. But I do hope you'll read to the end and decide to stay.
With that being said, there is only one way to say this so I'm going to spew it out and I am not trying to offend anyone in any way and maybe you didn't even realize it was happening. I don't mean to sound stuck up or mad or unappreciated or selfish or even greedy. I have been working hard, really hard on making MTC files and also converting them to SVG (easily thru MTC), but I don't use SVG files myself, but I do it for those who use SCAL or other programs, that I do not use, but they do, so they too can enjoy the files, but the time adds up in saving them, uploading and listing them along w/the MTC files. One thing, what many may not realize is I see how many times my files have been downloaded and most are in the hundreds, (that is each file, while a few only have 20 or so most average between 100-300 downloads) which YES its awesome that HUNDREDS of people are enjoying the labor of my hard work for free! But what sucks is I have only been thanked a few times, not a few hundred literally under 20 combined and it really makes me feel like I smell.

From This day forward I will have Freebies on MTC Mondays and they will only be free on Monday, by Tuesday the Freebie will no longer be Free, sorry. Beyond that you will need to email me for any Free files but it will need to be within that week. On occasion, you may find other days I will have Free MTC files (and yes SVG too) those will too have the 24 hr download period and the one week to email me. I will be updating my older posts and possibly removing them all together, not sure yet what I am going to do. Why you may ask? well, its pretty simple, everyone else is doing it too, so why not me too. I work really hard at making these files. Alot of files I make are for you because its something either someone has suggested, requested or I know there is a need or want for it but I don't necessarily want or need it. Most of my files are test cut by me and the cost of even cheap paper adds up and that is money I don't have. On top of that, the time it takes to test cut all my files is less time I have to Cut stuff for me, for my projects, blogging, facebooking, and working on my CFS cards. Many don't realize the sacrifice in my time, money and my hobby that it takes to make these. I do enjoy making them but time is money. So basically, it is a very hard decision I have made. One that came from many fellow scrappers who also make files and others who don't, that I should be charging and therefore I am charging. I need to find a way I can make a living and maybe this is a way I can work part-time and you can still enjoy my files at a very fair price in comparison of the prices of cartridges or even CDs (not the cricut software the disks for other cutters). Maybe you don't have an extra $1 to spare, I understand completely and I am sorry  that your in that position. But unfortunately, just like you, I need to worry about me. If i had a great paying job (my old job) and my bills were all paid and i had extra money, well for one I wouldn't have the time to make the all the files I do and two I'd probably share more free because making a living wouldn't be a priority, but unfortunately I've been out of work for 3 yrs w/no pay or any social benefits because the gov't and lawyers have all refuse to help me even though in the 20 yrs I worked before becoming disabled, I paid into that system for if this day would ever come. Again, I'm just simply trying to explain, which i don't really have any obligation too, but i feel obligated to tell my followers. It wasn't an easy decision, knowing I'll probably loose alot of followers, but its a decision, I've made and one I'm willing to take the consequences with it.

So, if you've read thru all my crap and have stuck thru with me, Here is your reward, all the MTC files I am choosing to share for FREE, I am only keeping them up for 48hrs. to download and they will be removed. From This day forward I will have Freebies on MTC Mondays and they will only be free on Monday, by Tuesday the Freebie will no longer be Free. Beyond that you will need to email me for any Free files but it will need to be that week. On occasion, you may find other days I will have Free MTC files (and yes SVG too) those will too have the 24 hr download period and the one week to email me. If you've stumbled across this in the future and its past the week, I'm sorry you've read it all and get no reward, but I do hope you'll stick around for other free and Priced files. Thanks for listening (or should I say reading) and hope you understand.

The Links will no longer work after March 13th at midnight.
MTC Files
A Heart Basket ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Bow Easy Template_2.mtc
Collection Borders Basic 1 ~ TheScrapoholic_2.mtc
Collection Christmas Sentiments ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Christmas ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Fight for a cure ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Flowers 2~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Fluer De Lis ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Heart Borders ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection of Robotz Sayings ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection of Words of Love ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Overlay Mesh 01 ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Collection Sentiments ~ Family.mtc
Cricut Bug Head.mtc
Exploding Cross Boxes w lids ~The Scrapoholic.mtc
Exploding Square Boxes with lids ~The Scrapoholic.mtc
Faith circle ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Family forever ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Floral Circle ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Floral Mesh ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
full web ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Lizards ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
loop D loops 1 ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Loop D Loops 2 ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Poinsettia wreath ~ The Scrapoholic_2.mtc
spider web mesh ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
tags, corners and more ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Verse Life Measured ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
You Rock ~ Scrapoholic.mtc

Here are the SVG format of the same files above:
A Heart Basket.svg
Collection Borders Basic 1 ~ TheScrapoholic.svg
Collection Christmas Sentiments ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Christmas ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Flowers 2 ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Flowers ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Fluer De Lis ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection for A Cause ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Hearts Border ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection of Words of Love ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Overlay Mesh 01~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Robot Sayings ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Collection Sentiments ~ Family.svg
Cricut Bug head.svg
Exploding Cross Boxes w lids ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Exploding Square Boxes with lids ~Scrapoholic.svg
Faith Circle ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Family forever ~ Scrapoholic.mtc
Floral Circle ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Floral Mesh ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Full web ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Lizards ~ Scrapoholic.svg
loop D loops 1 ~ Scrapoholic.svg
loop D loops 2 ~ Scrapoholic.svg
Poinsettia wreath ~ The Scrapoholic.svg
spider web mesh ~ Scrapoholic.svg
tags, corners and more.svg
Verse Life Measured ~ Scrapoholic.svg
You Rock ~ Scrapoholic.svg

I would love to hear what you like about these files if you download them, which one is your favorite, even a simple Thanks, would make me smile and feel like I don't smell and my files and work is appreciated.

Thirsty for Digital Thursday

This Week, if you haven't noticed I missed most days posting. If you look at the date of this particular point you'll see its posted on Sat. and not Thursday. i do apologize for not posting on my regular days. Its been a tough week for me and each week is getting tougher. I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary of my malpractice incident and you'd think each year it would get easier but for me it gets harder and starts earlier. I think because I think of where I was then on this date 3 yrs ago and where I would have been if Dr. Daniel Davis didn't make a mistake and change my life and not in a way a Doctor is suppose to, but he did and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, no it won't make my arm be all better, but it would make the financial part of all my medical bills I have and still encounter every month alot easier. In any case, I'm babbling away. If your interested in MY Story you can see my new Blog and Facebook Page I've decided to start here: BLOG  or FACEBOOK. I'd love to have your following support.

From This day forward I will have Freebies on Thirsty For Digital and they will only be free on Thursday, by Friday the Freebie will no longer be Free, sorry. Beyond that you will need to email me for any Free files but it will need to be within that week (so before the next Thursday Freebie). On occasion, you may find other days I will have Free Digital Stamps files, those will too have the 24 hr download period and the one week to email me. I will be updating my older posts with the disclaimer. Why you may ask? well, its pretty simple, everyone else is doing it too, so why not me too. I work really hard at converting these files and while some are my doodles from before my injury, I do have to also, pay my artist who hand draw all these cool, cute, fun awesome Images, they do not work for free. All of my Digital stamp files are test printed by me and the cost of even cheap paper adds up and that is money I don't have. On top of that, the time it takes to test print all my files is less time I have to do stuff for me, for my projects and working on my CFS cards. Yes, the ones that print fine i can use but there are many that don't. Many don't realize the sacrifice in my time, money and my hobby that it takes to make these. I do enjoy making them but time is money. So basically, it is a very hard decision I have made. You will have the opportunity to receive still free digital stamps its just a limited time frame.

Here are ALL the Digital Stamps I am sharing for FREE today:

These ones are all JPEG Files: Click on the picture to bring you to the download.

As always, i love to see what people create with my creations as do my artists who have been kind enough to work for me at a very low commission in order to keep price low for you. So please feel free to leave comments and post a link to what you may have created.

Thrifty Tuesday

Thrifty Tuesday is to share of the sales and deals that I am aware of on the internet. Get Codes for free shipping, discounted prices, Etc.  If you know of any sales please share any I may have missed.

This Week, if you haven't noticed I missed most days posting. If you look at the date of this particular point you'll see its posted on Sat. and not Tuesday. i do apologize for not posting on my regular days. Its been a tough week for me and each week is getting tougher. I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary of my malpractice incident and you'd think each year it would get easier but for me it gets harder and starts earlier. I think because I think of where I was then on this date 3 yrs ago and where I would have been if Dr. Daniel Davis didn't make a mistake and change my life and not in a way a Doctor is suppose to, but he did and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, no it won't make my arm be all better, but it would make the financial part of all my medical bills I have and still encounter every month alot easier. In any case, I'm babbling away. If your interested in MY Story you can see my new Blog and Facebook Page I've decided to start here: BLOG  or FACEBOOK. I'd love to have your following support.

This week I don't have many I'm sorry :(  I am looking for next weeks deal this weekend so Check out this next Tuesday.

Check out "While Supplies Last" CTMH clearance HERE 

This month of March purchase $25 in My Acrylix® Stamp Sets, See Stamps HERE and receive a free my acrlix stamp block free (choice of 3x3 or 2.5x6.5)

Then there is of course always the SOTM (Stamp Of The Month) stamp for $22.95 or spend $25 in any CTMH Product (click HERE to see ALL products) for 25% off SOTM, $50 for 50% off, $75 for 75% off or $100 and get it FREE! (studio J purchases do NOT apply to any CTMH offers above)
March SOTM:

I have this code for Expression Vinyl (click the words to get to their site) and enter this Coupon Code: PATRICK for $5 off purchase of $40 or more through March 15th.

To Purchase the Software Make The Cut at a discount price of $58.36  Click HERE 

Buy your ATG Gun refills at discount pricing at
(click the words to get to their site easily) This is the No Name brand. Buy the 3M Brand HERE 
Jill's Deals click HERE
Clearance Click HERE
Daily Deals Click HERE

Lettering Delights:
Sign up for a free account at Lettering Delights and sample the following products for free using our new and improved Try Me Now Tool. Membership has its benefits including instant access to these freebies and all of your previously purchased products in your personal My Library.
Did someone say free fonts?

There's no such thing as too many fonts. Do you want to add some more to your collection? Lettering Delights is offering 9 FREE FONTS just for signing up for our newsletter. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
  1. Enter your email in the field below
  2. Confirm your email address
  3. Receive link to free fonts emailed directly to you
Free fonts and news about additional freebies monthly. How can you go wrong?Sign Up HERE

Also, Scroll to the Bottom of My Blog to Help Donate by jsut simply clicking (while yes you must sign up for an account for the click to count) the bar of your choice to support that caue. For every Click they donate to the cause.

We Love CTMH Wednesday

This is in part a duplicate of what I have in Thrifty Tuesdays Post. This Week, if you haven't noticed I missed most days posting. If you look at the date of this particular point you'll see its posted on Sat. and not wednesday. I do apologize for not posting on my regular days. Its been a tough week for me and each week is getting tougher. I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary of my malpractice incident and you'd think each year it would get easier but for me it gets harder and starts earlier. I think because I think of where I was then on this date 3 yrs ago and where I would have been if Dr. Daniel Davis didn't make a mistake and change my life and not in a way a Doctor is suppose to, but he did and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, no it won't make my arm be all better, but it would make the financial part of all my medical bills I have and still encounter every month alot easier. In any case, I'm babbling away. If your interested in MY Story you can see my new Blog and Facebook Page I've decided to start here: BLOG  or FACEBOOK. I'd love to have your following support.

Check out "While Supplies Last" CTMH clearance HERE 
Pictures are just a few of what there is available!

1/8" Ric Rac 10yrds. $2.00
The Rub-Ons that are on clearance for $2 you get a pack of 3! One of ea. color Black, Chocolate, and white. if you order, post here and I'll send you a Spring/Summer Idea Book ($3.95 value +$2.86 shiping) FREE!
This is one of four rub-ons for $2 that you recieve 3 sheets of rub-ons
20 yards for $3.00

Hollyhock Photo Clip (Arrow) And Brads (50)

This month of March "Special" is purchase $25 in My Acrylix® Stamp Sets, See Stamps HERE and receive a free my acrlix stamp block free (choice of 3x3 or 2.5x6.5)

Then there is of course always the SOTM (Stamp Of The Month) stamp for $22.95 or spend $25 in any CTMH Product (click HERE to see ALL products) for 25% off SOTM, $50 for 50% off, $75 for 75% off or $100 and get it FREE! (studio J purchases do NOT apply to any CTMH offers above)
March SOTM:

If you spend $25 on my website in CTMH products and Post here in the comments (or on FB under the CTMH post) that you purchased I'll send you a FREE Spring/Summer 2011 CTMH Idea Book ($3.95 value +$2.86 shipping)! 

Whats A CTMH Idea Book? ITs similar to a magazine. But instead of the advertisements being different companies its just CTMH product. Has many great Ideas and inspiration for layouts, cards and projects!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here and There and Everywhere

So much is happening here and there and Everywhere!  Its is tough these days is it not on keeping up with all thats going on in the Scrapbooking Blogging world? I find it harder everyday to keep up. Following new blogs and old blogs trying to be fresh and new here on my blog!
Here we have 3 New Design teams, new venture on my part having a Design Team let alone 3. Plus still in the works is my blog makeover. I'm also in several Blog Hops that have just happened and several upcoming! I am also venturing out into a New Blog that is "my Story" if you'd like to follow it HERE.  Its New and only has one post but am going to be more a Video on-line Journal.

I have New Digital Stamping from JJ's Designz that feature some of my old drawings and Two very talented artists one being my Neice Jennifer and my Brother Jay. See why we call it JJ's Designz!  I have a possible other artist I am working with to join in thugh her name doesn't begin with a J, but thats OK! Have you check out the latest Digi Stamps? NO? you should. The Design Team has some great Inspiration and theres always a Challenge the weeks my Design team Posts. they are awesome and every other Thursday and we are hoping for Every Thursday soon to be a New release of Digital Stamping and maybe even someday open a new line of Clear Arlic Stamps?! Watch for Thirsty for Digital Thursdays!  What a mouthful huh?!

I also, Have the Make The Cut Monday! Where my Design Team uses some of my files to create Inspiration for you. I also have MTC Files also available in SVG files too for sale and on Occassion some free files. I have been trying to fix any old files and get all my files in one place for Sale and One place for Free. Many Free Files will be a limited time only. Also, holding Challenges for you to enter with either the free or for sale files on the weeks with the Design Team. So be sure to check that out.

Also, On Saturdays, I've been back at doing more "sketches" for both Layouts and Cards. That will Be Every Sat. I hope but for now its every other Sat. for My Design Team who takes the sketches and provides some inspiration for you and again another Challenge for you to enter!

So you have 3 days of The week for now being every other week to enter different Challenges with a lil bit of "Blog Candy" that is all provided by me. Someday I hope to get Sponsors, but til then its Just what I have and can afford to mail out. 

Be Sure to Check out My Design Teams' blogs, become followers if your not and see what else they create on the non-Scrapoholic's Design Team Days. They are very talented and creative!

 Nancy 's Blog ~ 

Sarah's Blog ~

Monday, March 7, 2011

Design Team MTC Challenge

MTC Monday

Every two weeks on MTC (Make The Cut) Monday, I will have New MTC/SVG Files For Sale and One free file. On occasion, on other days I'll have other Files for sale or For Free so be sure to become a follower and stay up to date on what is happening here!  I have my MTC/SVG Files as "Collections"  I find it hard to find files when they are just one individual even in folders on my computer. When you purchase my Files you will find 15-25 images in each File. Once you have the files you can save them as you choose to.
However, do not share the files please send them here. You will have to resize each image, but ones that are "layered Images" are layered together and "colored, So you'll select all of those to resize together. I'll have a tutorial on that soon. I do have a Video Tutorial on the "borders Collections" I have for today and How to resize should you Purchase the files. The "free" Border File is already "Sized" for you.

Don't have MTC (Make The Cut) yet? You may want to consider getting it with Cricut Cartridges going up in prices!
What you haven't heard about Cricut Cartridges going up in price? yes, in this hard times of recession they have raised their prices to not only on their sites but also to retailers too. You maybe able to still find a few deals for awhile but I would consider buying MTC or if not SCAL
For Info about MTC check it out by clicking the picture below
or to Purchase the User Friendly Software click this picture below and Already the Savings Code is in there! $58.36 for the software! Considering How much you spend on ONE Cartridge Not a bad deal, when for nothing you can add most any true type font to cut right away.

You can Also check out Lettering Delights for SVG Files and also get 9 Free fonts just look off to your left on my blog and click the correct blinkies to bring you there. Or just wait til I upload my Files. I have alot coming soon. I'll be updating my Free ones and ones I have for Sale come back daily to check. Become a follower while your at it so you can keep up with all the happenings around here!

The MTC Design Team were given the Collection of Files and they chose the border(s) of their choice to do their Inspirational projects for you. be sure to click on their pictures to go to their blogs and Follow them and also, see more details and maybe leave them a lil love. We all love reading comments and So does my Design Team.


Here are the 3 Border Files 

Border Collection 1

Border Collection 2

Collection Borders Fancy
Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

You may use my files for personal use and for use on items you make to sell. however you may NOT use my files to sell yourself or to share with anyone. Please send them to my blog, even for the Free ones but especially for the ones that are for sale.
If you share my files that are for sale that is stealing, as this is one of the few ways I can earn a living. Its not fair to me, other designers who also sell their files or our families who depend on our hard work.You may wonder well, its only $2.50, well that $2.50 pays for one child's meal in my house and I have 3. Also, if 10 people do that is adds up to $25.00 real quick. how would you feel If I stole from you? anyone knows how tough times are My family & I most certainly do.

Here is my video Tutorial on How to use MY Border Files in MTC
I do NOT own SCAL or any other software to use SVG files in other than MTC with The Cricut. Sorry

Free Borders *Limited Time* only Available Free until March 16th.
Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

If you would like to enter the challenge To win My Next MTC/SVG File
Either Purchase one or all 3 of the Border Files or download the Free Borders and Create a Project using one or more of the borders and add your link to your project to the linky below.

http://TheScrapoholic/MTC Monday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Do you have MTC/SVG Files you'd like to see?
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