Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sketchy Saturday N blog hop cont.

Saturday Already!?
So, again I'm combining my "Daily Themed" posts with Jenn's Lordy Lordy Lordy Look who's turning 40 Blog Hop! Below You'll find a Layout and Card Sketch below with the opportunity for you to enter the challenge using the one or both of the sketches.

First I'd Like to Congratulate Anne for her Card Entries for the last two Challenges!
You can visit her blog HERE
April 16th Challenge

April 23rd Challenge

Here is Your Blog Winner Badge!

This week's Sketches



A Sketch is an "idea" or "inspiration" to get a layout or card done. You can turn the sketches 90* either way or 180* to get a different "look" add a little more embellishments, use different emebelishments or shapes to fit your pictures.

For DESIGN TEAM Inspiration check out thier blogs:
 Be sure to stop by their blogs and leave them some lovin on their awesome inspirations!

Renee's Layout

This is my Take on the Sketches:

My Card:

My Layout:

Now its Your Turn! Create a New Layout or Card from the Sketches enter your project in the Inklinz below the post to enter to win! This week's Prize is a Fun Mystery Grab Bag (value approx. $25) of Scrapping Supplies!

IF you haven't checked out the hop from the beginning follow this list here and it will take you thru the hop day by day. I've listed each Day with the direct links to the projects for the hop that day. Once you get to one person's blog you can just look around and check out their other cool projects and maybe like them enough to follow them, I know everyone loves getting new followers, I know I do! Then leave them a lil love too while your there, it only takes a minute or so and it will put a smile on someone's face! I know I get so excited when I get a comment on any of my posts, you'd think I won the lottery or something, but I just love hearing what my followers think and makes me smile and feel all warm, tingly and loved inside! :) Happy Hoppin!

Day one:
Jill's Blog << That's ME!

Day Two:
Jill's Blog << That's ME!
Day Three:

Day Four:

Jill's Blog << That's ME!

Day Five (Today) Blogs that have so far posted today

Today's FREE File

Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

Until Next Time...
Happy Cutting!
TTFN Jill aka The Scrapoholic

Enter your Link to your Picture of Card or Layout or Both for a chance to win


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40 Blog Hop Cont.

Happy Friday!

Is everyone Having fun Celebrating Jenn's Birthday this week with the Blog Hop? I know I am having fun with all the fun crafting I have gotten to do and seeing others projects! I hope you are enjoying all the free MTC/SVG Files if you have MTC, SCAL, Fairy Cut, etc. You'll have to stop by on Monday's for MTC Monday Challenge! Starting This Monday I'll be having new files and Free files for the MTC/SVG Challenge every week instead of bi-weekly!

I didn't get to finish my project for today because my son's computer got a virus and spent the day trying to fix it and still working on it :(   It's a very bad one!  Thankfully we don't own the computer, its just a loaner from the on-line homeschool. Lord knows we had enough unexpected expenses this month and can't afford those never mind another one. So if it goes belly up we aren't out anything!! If you ever Google something and you get that window that says your computer is infected and looks like a fake scan DO NOT Click on anything! You need to right click on the blue bar across the top and close the window out that way and when it asks if you want to really navigate away from this window do the same thing right click the blue bar that goes across the top where you have the lil red box with an "X" to close it. Right click and close. Then next window pop up you do need to click cancel or yes.  I forget exactly what it says. Then you need to close any and all internet windows and run a scan!  These pages are set up purposely to send viruses out. If these people only put their intelligence to good use imagine the possibilities of where our world would be! ugh, some people! One last thing, ALWAYS! and I mean ALWAYS back up any important files to an outside source other than your computers hard-drive just in case. Because even if you can get rid of the virus, sometimes you have to go back and restore your computer to an earlier date and you loose all the files you saved after that date!!! So go right NOW and DO IT! Back up those pictures and anything else! I mean it! Right this minute, not in a minute Right NOW!!!

Anyways, back to crafting! You didn't listen did you? Your still reading and didn't go back up your files! Now go do it! :)   So, ok really back to crafting, now that you took your break and listened to me, :)  I didn't get my cards finished, of course I'm working one day ahead of each day even though I had forewarning of the blog hop, but hey, I work better under the stress of getting it done. Seriously, I know i wait last minute but I tell you I get some of my best most creative stuff made this way. I think its cause I don't have time to hem and haw over paper, color, embellishments, etc. of  choices, I just say this is what i have in my head and go with it! So I have all my stuff ready to almost assemble, just need to add a touch of ink. So, hopefully I'll finish them today if nothing else gets in my way. I tell you I can not wait until May, because April is just a heckle jinxed everything is gonna go wrong and get in the way month.  While it makes life exciting but it wasn't all good stuff, 95% was crap stuff, but I am focussing on the 5% really I am trying too! :)

So for today I have these cool "edged" cards! Oh and yesterday, sorry! My blondness came out I forgot to link the free files cause I forgot to upload them too! so be sure to go back to yesterday's post to get the free file from yesterday as soon as I get back from running errands this afternoon i'll get the links working, because the files will only be free until May 2nd at midnight, that when the hop ends :(

The Collection of "Edged" Cards

Now when you open the file, the cards will be smaller and "layered" on top of each other, only way I could fit them all in one "mat".  I like my files to be more than one image because I have so many files and it takes me long enough to find what I want with the files I have, if I had them all individually OMG! Just this month I have deleted over 100 files because they all had individual images from when I first started with MTC and I combined them into "like" "Collections". There were some I just got rid of all together because of the feature of the "shape box" or whatever its called, where you can grab the individual common shapes and add your own too! I just LOVE that feature of adding your own shapes!  So, in any case you will find 3 images across the bottom with 3 "layered" images and a silhouette box that is "sized" for an A2 card if you Move whichever card you want to cut inside and turn it 90* resize to fit right inside and then move to a new "mat" to cut and then cut! The picture shows the cards but are not layed out this way in the file!

Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

IF you haven't checked out the hop from the begining follow this list here and it will take you thru the hop day by day. I've listed each Day with the direct links to the projects for the hop that day. Once you get to one person's blog you can just look around and check out their other cool projects and myabe like them enough to follow them, I know everyone loves getting new followers, I know I do! Then leave them a lil love too while your there, it only takes a minute or so and it will put a smile on someone's face! I know I get so excited when I get a comment on any of my posts, you'd think I won the lottery or something, but I just love hearing what my followers think and makes me smile and feel all warm, tingly and loved inside! :) Happy Hoppin!

Day one:
Jill's Blog <<< That's ME!

Day Two:
Jill's Blog <<< That's ME!
Day Three:
Jill's Blog < That's ME!& Show's Blog Candy & Rules for Candy!

Day Four:

Jill's Blog << That's ME!

Day Five (Today) Blogs that have so far posted today
Jenn's Blog She hasn't posted yet, but I believe she palns to?
Jill's Blog << That's ME! and your already HERE!

 Be sure to come back Tomorrow for Sketchy Saturday! Not only does my Design Team have some great Inspiration for the Sketches posted, but I actually did a Card and a Layout for tomorrow's Sketchy Saturday, which normally I don't but am hoping to do so each week. Maybe you'll even enter the Challenge yourself and get a card or layout that needs to be done anyways!  tell your crafty friends to stop by too, the more the merrier!
Until Tommorrow... Happy Crafting

Thanks for stopping by and visting I'm sure glad you popped in to visit me :)

ttfn Jill

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40 Blog Hop Cont.

Today is another day celebrating Jenn's 40th Birthday! 

I sure hope you are enjoying all the projects and free MTC/SVG files and all the Blog Candy up for grabs not just from me but from the other gals too!

Sorry, About yesterday's post, sure was frustrating, I am wondering if with all the cool things blogger is adding and making blogs look more cool, more interactive and easier to add somethings; if that is what is causing all the glitches?  

So, If you hadn't checked out yesterday's post cause wasn't able to get pics and video to upload to post til late yesterday night, its there now! Just scroll on down to the next post to get there or if its not showing just click HERE to see it, you won't want to miss it!

Now For today's project I finally got around to my Sophia Workshop On the Go (WOTG) which I had ordered back in Feb to feature in March then in April and well, if you've been following me you know life has definitely given me some unexpected turns and twists and battles. It is perfect to go with the card Box I made in yesterday's Project.  So without further ado:
Sophia WOTG

Quick Video Tutorial Click HERE

If you Enjoy kits whether a Layout or Card Maker or even both the WOTG are fun and come with more than you need to make both cards and Layouts. It comes with easy to follow instruction that are pictures with written. If you order the Sophia Workshop you will get access to the full Tutorial that helps you follow the pamphlet with the pictures and written instructions. Which is a great way to have a CTMH gathering with friends too! You can earn free product by hosting a gathering. If you'd like more info you can email me HERE. If you'd like to order the Sophia WOTG (Workshop on the Go) from me click HERE and once I get notification from CTMH that an order has been placed I'll email you the link to the full video tutorial. I am planning on doing more in the near future.

Once again, the Blog Candy is posted in Wed. Post and you just simply need to leave a comment on at least one of the projects (but of course I love comment so if you comment everyday it would make me smile no bonus points) and don't forget to check out the other gal's blogs. Some are doing posts everyday of the hop and some only a few and some just one below is the list of blogs in the Hop!

Don't Forget to check back tomorrow I'll Have more Cards made from the WOTG!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We Love CTMH Wednesday -n- Blog Hop Cont.

How can you not LOVE CTMH (Close To My Heart) ?

I just love all their products and with every new Idea Book they come out with it just gets better and better!
So, Loving CTMH products and I just LOVE their Recipe/Card Box and LOVE the Sophia Paper Pack. So I combined the two and made Jenn a Beautiful Girly Blinged out Box full of Cards. Of course, I have yet to mail it out to her so Happy Birthday Jenn! Today I'll show you how I altered the box with CTMH Sophia papers and some CTMH embellishments to bling it out! I made a short video tutorial to show how it is easily made. You will have to come back tomorrow to see the cards that are inside!

To watch my tutorial check it out HERE
For my Blog Candy For this Hop I am Sponsoring myself! I will be have a few prizes so there will be several Winners!
 Next Wed. I'll announce the winners on We LOVE CTMH Wednesday since all my "Candy" is CTMH Products! To be eligible you do need to post a comment because its the only way I know who has come to my blog and I'll add your names to a list as they were posted and use the to choose the winners.

CTMH Hope for Japan Stamp You can order this awesome stamp until April 30, 2011 for $5 (+S&H and Tax) CTMH will donate all $5 to Japan Relief, How awesome is that? Pretty Awesome if you ask me! You can go to my Website to order it HERE If you do you may want to check out the while supplies last HERE

Then I will have 2 Color ready Adhesive Borders but they will be one pack split in two So 2 people will receive 25 borders since the pack includes 50 ~ 2 of each design. 

I also will have a 2 sampler packs of  Mocha Opaques. Again this will be a pack split in Half.

So be sure to Leave a comment on any of the days of the Blog, of course I'd love new followers too and comments everyday. Who doesn't love reading feedback about their projects? I know I do.  Leave me your blog too so I can be sure to follow you back, I love following everyone's blogs. While lately I haven't been good at it but Once we finally get all packed, moved and then unpacked I will have more time to get back to looking at blogs again!

As Promised Here's Todays MTC/SVG File for the Birthday Hop!
Collection Balloons!

Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

Thanks for hopping on by! Be sure to check out the other Gal's Blogs for projects they did for the hop too, some did a project every day and some did just a few and others did just one. But they are all wonderful and I know they'd love comments and followers too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thankful Tuesday -n- Blog Hop day 2

Happy Tuesday!

I am combining my regular "Daily Themed" Posts along with Jenn's Birthday Blog Hop that is happening until May 2nd. If you missed yesterday's Day 1 of the Hop Start HERE (Jenn's (the birthday girl) Blog).

What am I "THANKFUL" for on this beautiful Tuesday?

I am thankful that the universe has connected my world to collide with Jenn's world.  We happen to meet online on the original Cricut message board in Cards for Soldiers (where I made many good friends too). Jenn & I have grown in our friendship over the past 4 or 5 years (shame on me for not remembering). She came and visited me one day with her beautiful family and another CFS Queen and we hung out at my house and had a BBQ. It was so much fun. I plan to visit her before we move to Oregon and have another awesome visit. Though, I wish she lived much closer, who knows maybe she'll follow me to Oregon ;) ! She has been such a wonderful friend to me thru everything I have gone thru, and shared!

As for My Project for today I did some adorable birthday Cards. I used 99% CTMH Papers. I used the Hippo from  My Acrylix® Stamp Sets D1434 YOU'RE GREAT I stamped the adorable Hippo on the pattern paper, which I often forget you can do and saves you the time from coloring and adds that lil exta something.
You can purchase the set by clicking the link above for $22.95
I also used the Accessories Die-Cuts Z1377 KRAFT COLOR-READY BORDERS to accent the cards
You can Purchase this pack of Die Cut Chipboard Adhesive Pack of 50 Borders by clicking the link above for $5.95
Now for my Cards:

Unfortunately I had a cute Hippo Cut File Planned but I couldn't get it to cut properly and still needs some work so instead I have this cute Birthday File available in both MTC and SVG Format.

Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase

The Hop List to Follow, not all the gals did a project for everyday but some did!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40 Blog Hop

Monday's is usually my MTC Monday and it still is! But  instead of my usual post, My good Friend Jenn is celebrating her 40th Birthday with a fun Blog Hop! 
animated gif maker


I am so honored to be part of this fun celebration! You need to start with the Birthday Girl's (Jenn) Blog HERE.
Be sure to wish her a Happy 40th Birthday!

Some gals will have a project each day and some may only have one or a few, so make sure you follow along each day and leave everyone some loving. 

I have a project for each day and I will have some Birthday  MTC/SVG files each day of the Blog Hop! All you have to do is come by everyday to see my project, get the file and would love for you to leave a comment on each project.   

 Today my project is Sponge Bob Square Pants Birthday Invitations. My friend's lil girl wants a Sponge bob b-day and she asked me to make some invitations for her. So i searched out Sponge Bob images and found this cute one. I printed Sponge Bob 4 times on an 8.5" x 11" CTMH "honey" cardstock but before I printed i spritz the paper with yellow glimmer mist to add a touch of sparkle. I colored in the parts that needed coloring in with my CTMH markers. I inked the edges with cats eye sierra brown chalk ink. Then adhered the Sponge Bob after trimming each out of the cardstock to  4" x 5.25" using my blinged out ATG gun.
Here's Sponge Bob Birthday Invite

Today's File is a Sponge Bob Card or you can use it in a layout too. Looks just like the one I did above, even though I printed mine out and then thought of making the cut file after.

Freebies expire after awhile and are removed as a Free download.

Sorry Freebie Has Expired

Check For $ale Tab or My Etsy Store for Possible Purchase 

Now you are off to Jackie's Blog Next So hop on over HERE

In case you get lost along the way heres the line up!

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